- Organic growers tap microbes to capture nitrogen
- Reduce chemical Inputs and Grow healthier Crops With WakeUp
- Supercharge DIY Weed Killers With WakeUp
- Jerry Alan Carlson 1936-2023
- Every community needs a Barn Happy
- Over 400 farmers focus on biology at the Big Soil Event
- Two major Renewable Farming conferences this week!
- 90-35-210: How to recover your “second harvest”
- How late-foliar microbes helped corn endure drought stress
- How I survived an underprivileged one-room country school
- The Big Soil Health Event here in Cedar Falls, IA Dec. 5-6
- Plan for “The Power of Biology” conference Dec. 7-8
- Yes, non-GMO corn and soybeans can outyield costly biotech “traits”
- Yes, non-GMO corn and beans can outyield biotech “traits”
- Why WakeUP is unique among surfactants for enhancing foliar and in-furrow nutrients
- How to protect corn, soybean yields against a prospective dry July-August
- Since 2008, we’ve learned 10 ways WakeUP amplifies your profits
- More ways to manage dry-weather stress this crop season
- Kill weeds with intense UV light? Loran Steinlage hopes this concept goes field-scale
- New Ag biological firms promise improved soil health, more resilience
- A dozen ways to cope with record costs, wild prices and weather stress this season
- Thousands of growers are buffering their farms against crippling input costs
- How endophytes can defend your 2022 yields against weather stress
- Wheat and oats desiccated with glyphosate could become unsaleable for food use
- This Florida family is growing into a highly profitable market niche
- 266-bu. per acre organic corn, worth $10 per bu. — with minimum costs
- Beck’s Practical Farm Research reports could enhance your ROI
- How the internet amplifies “Each one teach one” to build healthy soil, healthy food
- The shot feared round the world
- Argentina, Australia, Southern Africa could see crop losses as Tonga eruption dust spreads
- Major positive messages emerge as Covid vax mandates begin to crumble
- Canadian truckers’ “Freedom Convoy” goes global
- 7 ways to shave fertilizer and chemical costs for 2022 corn and beans
- 45 AgriEnergy Solutions field reps attend webinar on helping you profit in 2022
- Crop consultant Bob Streit’s heads-up for the 2022 crop season
- Farmers who influence local policies can change our entire nation’s course
- WakeUP can save you money, boost yields in 2022
- How cover crops rebuild soil biological life in a corn-soybean rotation
- A captive country in search of its soul
- Renewable Farming principles get another boost: Mitch Hora named to Forbes “30 under 30”
- 15 tons of dry cattle manure per acre lifted corn yields 40 to 50 bu./acre
- Vax mandates came for doctors and nurses. Next they’re coming for farmers like you.
- Free in the countryside: The best haven to celebrate Thanksgiving
- Spraytec proves again: Mineral nutrition fights disease, raises yields
- No more Mr. nice guy: David Martin, phD, exposes decades-long plan to medically mandate your life
- Life of Dr. Neil E. Harl leaves a powerful legacy and inspiration for all farmers
- Best place in America to live and work now: Your farm or ranch
- Ideas that enhance soil biology, capture natural nutrients and please your neighbors
- Lancaster County Amish/Mennonites prove how U.S. could have achieved Covid herd immunity
- Yes, Virginia, there is a climate change! Brace for 30 years of global cooling!
- 25% yield gain with BioEnsure and BioTango on poor southeast Illinois soils
- Photo from the combine cab this afternoon: 250-bu., 18%, from mostly green stalks
- One Fulltec Impulse Foliar on beans at R1: $96.62 net gain per acre
- Higher Fertilizer Prices Mean a Bigger Payback for Enhanced Residue Recapture
- These “Energized” Microbes Amplify Crop Residue Digestion and Nutrient Recapture
- Why soil health is so important for your crops
- Years of research on an environment-friendly burndown herbicide are finally paying off
- Armyworms invaded this alfalfa field. Why did they leave the lushest patches?
- Harvesting 19% corn from stalks with green leaves and white shucks
- Farm management strategies to protect against emerging global mega-shocks
- This four-year project explores cover crop combinations that build soil health
- India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, reports stunning success in fighting Covid-19
- Two main challenges facing most Midwest corn-soybean growers
- Finally! Scientists point to reasons why we’re vulnerable to Covid virus
- Visionary ag entrepreneur John Cory sees big opportunities in small niches
- Anyone care to estimate yield on this Indiana corn? …Anyone?
- Our favorite way to melt down cornstalks for your “second harvest” of valuable crop nutrients
- There’s still time to foliar-apply a “final fill” as corn and soybeans head for the finish line
- Renewable Farming LLC experiments with BioEnsure, BioTango published for professionals
- Save almost $10 an acre, get more yield with nutrition vs. fungicides
- You’ve dealt with shortages. But what if there’s a seed supply crisis?
- How foliar feeding alfalfa can upgrade yield and feed quality
- Biggest climate threat to crops: Cold, dry weather, not warming
- “I’ve learned that full-season foliar feeding can make money”
- Foliar feeding mid-season nitrogen? Tank-mix with WakeUP to enhance yield response
- Why full-season foliar feeding your corn and beans raises yield and profit
- Reliable sources with the latest information about Covid-19 shots
- Canada intends to raise glyphosate/AMPA residue allowance in food crops
- A healthy soil ecosystem: a growing asset that keeps multiplying your profits
- Everyone likes a July 4 explosion story — so here’s one I survived
- Soil Health Academy’s newest webinar: “Your Regenerative Ag Questions Answered”
- Foliar feeding expert emphasizes need for an effective surfactant
- “Toxic Legacy” book on glyphosate by Stephanie Seneff: The next “Silent Spring?”
- Rain lilies sensed today’s “survival shower” coming to Iowa
- “Green” urban elites are killing Kern County. Is your county next?
- Three “bio” products you can use to help crops endure through dry-weather stretches
- How to “Bio-Ensure” corn and soybeans against hot, dry weather
- We celebrate the U.S. flag every day, on every carton of WakeUP
- Underlying vulnerability to Covid-19: A lesson from “Mad Cow” disease
- Crop Consultant Streit emphasizes need to help crops deal with moisture stress
- June 6: You live in a free country — if you defend it
- Lignition gets our vote for the “nearly perfect” biological yield booster
- Beans planted with in-furrow biology plus WakeUP reach V2 in 26 days
- Foliar WakeUP time for corn and beans: V2 to V4
- U. of Nebraska research proves benefits of foliar nutrition
- International “Crime Against Humanity” lawsuit launched against WHO, other Covid authorities
- Soaring corn, bean, wheat exports: Opportunity to get resilient, not bigger
- Bob Streit: Ways to keep your crops growing through dry stretches
- How new U.S tax increases would decimate “keeping the farm in the family”
- Historic highs in corn and beans? Foliar-feeding this way helps protect yields
- How BioEnsure and BioTango help your crops endure dry summer stress
- 12 ways you can raise yields with more effective foliar sprays
- Seven ways WakeUP enhances your in-furrow and foliar nutrient programs
- Beware of a fatal flaw in some “Regenerative Farming” programs
- Another specific reason to be grateful you’re out in open country
- How to add $10 to $25 per acre profit this season — with WakeUP
- Regenerative farming advocate urges reversal of industrial pork production
- An inexpensive way to protect your crops against dry weather this season
- Spraytec Impulse plus WakeUP: Mobilizing minerals and biostimulants in one package
- 2020 global field trials again confirm yield gains with Vitazyme biostimulant
- Farm Journal’s Daily Scoop: “The Biologicals Race is on”
- Two signals of megatrends pushing farmers toward financial and federal captivity
- Belize, a little-known “Jewel of the Caribbean,” discovers Renewable Farming
- Winter experiment indicates that BioEnsure helps corn tolerate soggy spring soil
- Consultant Bob Streit cites meteorologist who sees drought spreading eastward
- Root-building biologicals are your best friend if drought hits this summer
- Your farm or ranch: Best place to live now! Best business to own!
- Four research principles for reliable field trials on your farm this season
- If western Corn Belt drought forecast is correct, this biological “insurance” could help
- Does deepening of the polar vortex over North America raise odds of a dry summer?
- Concerned about a dry summer? These “endophytes” help crops tolerate stress
- Israeli developers produce “real” steak in a factory… without corn or beans
- Best forecast sources I’ve found for farming through wild weather variability
- Hundreds of farmers attend AgriEnergy Solutions seminars in person and online
- One of the best soil-health resources we’ve seen is just a click away
- Contact Organics launches website for its enviro-friendly burndown herbicide
- Limit-up jump in corn futures encourages new look at biological yield boosters
- China’s struggle with soil pollution and degradation amplifies corn, soybean imports
- Renewable Farming: a leader in “The No. 1. food trend of 2020”
- Hand-held instrument instantly measures grain protein, oil, carbohydrates, moisture
- The dangers of blindly believing “official” medical mandates
- AgriEnergy opens a new chapter at two seminars, Jan. 14 and 28
- More corn yield contest winners adopting Renewable Farming principles
- First-year Fulltec Impulse data: 8.31 bu. gain in corn, 6.99 bu. gain in beans
- A mother lode of yield-building field research swims into our ken
- At Senate hearing, doctor describes controversial Covid-19 preventive and treatment
- Higher corn, soybean prices encouraging growers to push for higher 2021 yields
- Dry weather in Brazil could extend enthusiasm in corn, bean markets
- My Most Memorable Thanksgiving: November 1952
- In an era of gigabyte-speed science, reliable information remains hard to find
- China’s surging grain imports from the U.S. reflect nationwide needs, not just the trade agreement
- To escape angst from “breaking news,” take a break from mainstream network news
- Continuous soybeans for 13 years; 50 to 60 bu. yield range — on sandy Wisconsin ground
- With $10 beans, $35 return for a $3.50 expense — if you have unused insecticide boxes
- “This was the first year all our soybean yields were in the 60s and 70s”
- How biologicals and extra nutrition keep corn alive longer and raise yields
- You can help this team protect your health against toxins in harvest dust
- Choral beauty in a grain bin! It started trending with one farm woman’s inspiration
- Crop consultant Bob Streit: Overview of Midwest harvest 2020
- Stress-relieving endophytes, BioEnsure and BioTango, showed promise again this dry season
- Pod counts signal that two new Biodyne products made a difference
- Three law firms settling Roundup/cancer suit against Monsanto/Bayer for $11 billion
- Carbon-capture opportunity as combines roll through corn in central-west Iowa
- Memo to California Governor Newsom: Why does climate change stop at the Canadian border?
- Illinois farmer: “Corn looks healthier at maturity where I included WakeUP in my program”
- Food Revolution Network offers free video, plus discounted access to sustainable food series
- One slim benefit from drought-killed corn: Earlier start for recycling residue biologically
- Farm Business Network challenges tradition among dominant farm-supply corporations
- South China Morning Post: Locust invasion intensifies, could impact corn supply
- Update: Corn in foliar-applied BioEnsure field trial enduring well
- “Fifth wave” of flooding in Yangtze Basin threatens worst damage yet
- New cover crop survey reveals enthusiasm for covers and “planting green”
- I may need to acquire a taste for garlic — for my continued health
- Ways to unleash the power of healthy soil biology for 2021 — and beyond
- As a well-worn ag journalist, I’m enthused at Pro Farmer’s enhanced Crop Tour coverage
- China’s grain imports accelerate as Chinese farmers hang onto stocks for higher prices
- Excellent nutrition and foliar feeding revived this corn shredded by hail June 4
- Iowa ag officials trying to measure derecho wind damage to about 15% of Iowa corn
- Now’s the time to plan crop residue recycling — to trim fertilizer costs next season
- Growers are quickly adopting this biological product to withstand weather stress
- How Jim Porterfield grew the highest-quality soybeans in a United Soybean Board study
- Flurry of unrequested seed packets exposes America’s lack of ag biosecurity
- I have a great crop coming. How can I hang onto yield through a dry August?
- Is China stocking up on corn, beans as a buffer against flood damage to China’s crops?
- We can be thankful our Midwest doesn’t have a plague of locusts anymore
- Update on coping with July-August dry weather stress in corn and beans
- Did anyone here raise hemp this season? Are you going to try again next year?
- July-August reveals your most significant “soil test” in the central Corn Belt
- China demonstrates that natural, plant-based medicines are effective against Covid-19
- FDA’s “New era of smarter food safety” ignores nutritional values
- Yes, there is a non-glyphosate burndown herbicide that’s exempt from EPA registration
- A nationwide group of biosecurity advocates asks government for stronger food safety policies
- Congratulations to AgWeb for a daring report on a non-GMO, cover crop farmer
- Ways to help corn and soybeans endure a hot, dry July – August stretch
- Carey Gillam reports: Bayer’s $9.6 billion Roundup “settlement” is far from settled
- Flowers beautify your farm — and this flower also predicts upcoming rain
- Other farmers following Irvin Osterloh’s example: Oats as a cover crop
- More evidence that the Covid-19 virus was genetically engineered to be more infectious
- These two corn roots are probably the most prolific of any we’ve ever seen
- Foliar feed a no-till garden with WakeUP for fabulous taste and abundance!
- Covid-19 threatened to block a prom at school. Grads celebrated in a machine shed
- A few hopeful benefits for farmers in the Covid-19 crash — if you look carefully
- Here’s a way to celebrate Flag Day with other American patriots!
- Update on Irvin Osterloh’s continuous-soybean strategy: How the 2020 crop is starting out
- Pursanova water filters and Pursalex tube improve egg production and shell strength
- Good moisture this spring makes crimping cereal rye a safer bet for soybeans
- “My corn is not yellowing at all, like a lot of other fields I’ve seen around here”
- Y-drop or streaming near the row: An efficient way to boost biology near developing roots
- “Carbon Cowboys” video shows how to build soil, restore profits and enjoy life
- An inexpensive way to encourage deep, vigorous corn rooting early in the season
- A reliable way to enhance effectiveness of all your foliar-applied nutrients and crop protection products
- Ideas to help crops recover from frost and cold-weather stress
- How Irvin Osterloh raises continuous soybeans on marginal Wisconsin land
- Foliar-sprayed WakeUP can help protect early-planted beans from frost damage
- Retailing food to consumers? This directory might help you reach buyers
- Strategies of farmers who are shaving costs while building yields
- Over 300,000 people join online “Food Revolution Summit” starting today
- Seven Midwest meat packing plants closed; processors scramble for workarounds
- Biological farming pioneer stresses four key nutrients for profitable yields
- Foliar fertilizing: More yield, less fertilizer cost — if you know and follow the principles
- “We have seen an unparalleled surge in garden seed orders…”
- Our family’s quest for true health
- Why WakeUP can hold down your costs while preserving — or improving — yields
- China’s doctors report 90%-plus success treating Covid-19 with plant-based medicines
- British farmers urgently appeal for more workers in fresh fruit, veggie production
- Today: No new China-based coronavirus cases indicated, a positive signal
- Biologically healthy soil, keen management help you hang onto profit margins
- Consultant Brad Forkner offers ideas to focus your crop inputs in high-return areas
- Bayer approaching cancer settlement with six law firms for about $10 billion
- Why farmers are front-line defenders against viral epidemics
- Solvita announces a new soil CO2 respiration instrument to measure soil life
- 40 pages of money-making ideas: The Vitazyme 2020 Research Report
- Brazil’s Spraytec launches a mineral/biological “kit” for corn, soybeans
- An encouraging update on the coronavirus epidemic — direct from a safety expert in China
- A soil amendment with high-value soil health benefits — at amazingly low cost
- Biodyne releases 2019 field trial results for its biological product line
- Pursanova’s energized water system can improve family health, save chemical costs
- Recommended news sources to keep your farming strategies current
- Bob Streit offers a partial preview of the Jan. 22 conference at Webster City
- This Jan. 22 seminar offers what you’ll need to know for the 2020 crop season
- Ag magazine editors describe how David Hula grew 616-bu. corn in 2019
- Two memorable Christmas days
- Back to basics: How to build active humus to cope with weather extremes
- How cover crops rescued a Florida citrus grove from death by greening
- Digital test instruments will soon reveal nutritional quality of food — instantly
- Look closer: We have several reasons to give thanks this holiday season
- More reasons to watch the climate-change contrarians as a guide to your farming future
- Synergism! 10 bu. more corn with in-furrow Vitazyme, WakeUP Spring and Syntose FA sugar
- Beans out, waiting on corn to dry down? Spray stalk residue digester into standing corn
- 80% of Americans want U.S.-Mexico-Canada agreement, but the House fixates on impeachment
- Pursanova founder Vatché Keuftedjian wins top technology award from International Trade Council
- Fully mature ears of corn on mostly green stalks — a residue-recapturing opportunity
- Sept. 11 farmer meeting signals rising interest in biological farming
- Consultant Bob Streit: Will this crop have enough energy to reach full potential?
- USDA’s August crop production report today: Hard for farmers to believe, but traders did
- Crystallization photos reveal dramatic differences between organics. non-organic crops
- NASA forecasts sunspot minimum in 1920-25 “lowest in 200 years”
- The dicamba damage dilemma multiplies as states extend cutoff dates for spraying
- Got late beans? Two top advisers offer their yield-builder advice
- One of America’s most comprehensive corn/soybean outlook services went unmanned June 26, 2019
- Midwest crop consultant Amie Bandy’s analysis of GDU energy affirms: Keep your crop growing fast!
- How to coax more yield as corn prices jump $1, with further gains posslble
- This corn is 2 to 3 in. taller with in-furrow Vitazyme, Environoc 401, 3-18-18 and WakeUP
- Here’s how corn responds to a full package of early biologicals and nutrients
- “This season it’s vital to keep corn healthy all the way to natural maturity”
- Experienced cover crop growers have an edge getting into fields this soggy spring
- Photos of emerging corn responding to streaming Biocast + Wakeup plus nutrients
- How in-furrow biologicals plus WakeUP and Vitazyme help cope with soggy soil, late planting
- Crop consultant Bob Streit: In-furrow biologicals can help late-planted corn accelerate early growth
- Jury finds Bayer’s Roundup weedkiller caused man’s cancer
- Ten big food processors and retailers organize an “Ecosystem Market” movement
- How to guard your yields against “Global cooling: the real climate threat”
- Four biological farming product makers acknowledge WakeUP’s effectiveness
- More evidence for cooler growing seasons during 2019-25 and 2030-36
- Zach Bush, MD: Why today’s epidemic of chronic diseases starts on the farm
- March 14, 2019: A meeting to help answer “What nutrients or biologicals are best for 2019?”
- Grab your opportunity to save $10 per gallon on WakeUP by Feb. 28!
- Garden of Eatin’ should jump at making chips from this non-GMO orange corn
- A well-researched way to save cash on K this season: Foliar-apply as needed
- Another medical study that could nudge people toward non-GMO foods
- Weed-recognition sprayer offers possible 90% reduction in herbicide use
- Wild weather calls for healthier soil to give you more yield resilience
- Does China intend to ban imported grain or other foods with over 200 ppb. glyphosate residue?
- Agrienergy Resources seminars focus on soil health this winter
- Strongest profit signal from 2018 field test results: Shift dollars from NPK to soil biological vigor
- AgriEnergy offers a new way you can add more corn yield late in the growing season
- This photo was taken Sept. 13, 2018: Green corn is adding a finishing 30 to 60 bushels
- 138-bu. dryland soybeans — planted at 50,000 to 80,000 seeds per acre
- A way to choose the most profitable crop technologies in the new biological boom
- AgriEnergy Resources joins a bigger family with nationwide reach
- Consultant Bob Streit reviews lessons from the 2018 growing season
- Gift for your future in farming: Discovery of a new 50-year energy reserve
- More yield evidence: Keeping corn green longer in late summer pays you with bigger yields
- “I had to get the soil healthy so I really pushed the cover crops hard”
- How one organic dairy farmer leveraged social media to trigger a national referendum
- Your privately owned farm: The foundation for future American Thanksgivings
- A colorful, fact-filled book every maverick farmer will enjoy (whether you’re a no-tiller or not)
- 15 bu. more corn from a biological inoculant piggybacked with postmerge herbicide
- Another climate watcher warns: Sunspot lows point to potential climate cooling
- A Biodynamic farming advocate says “Our Time Has Finally Come”
- In an Iowa season where almost nothing overcame stress, this in-furrow mix worked
- Research agronomist finds a 13% increase in soybean yield — accidentally
- Hugelkultur — a way to manage public forests more productively while coping with wildfires?
- In ag biologicals, sometimes small-company products offer the biggest profits
- More master gardeners “go biological” — and deer go for their gardens
- “Old” scientific principles offer new ways to enhance yields and profits
- How cover crops help your combine roll through waterlogged fields
- More reasons for those black clouds over combines at soybean harvest
- Is there a link between lung diseases and molds in harvest dust?
- A revealing reason to split stalks after harvest, as well as early in the growing season
- What nutrient does your corn need — in the largest amounts — through the growing season?
- How Dave Schwartz achieves the classic corn-grower’s goal: Mature ears on green stalk
- Farmers fighting stalk rot see major benefits from biologically healthy soil
- Geneticist who created GMO potatoes for J.R. Simplot urges: “Take them off the market.”
- First-ever audit of raw climate data discredits long-claimed “man-made global warming”
- Waves of late rains offer opportunities for faster biological breakdown of stalks
- Prairie Farmer’s Christy Lee takes point on dicamba drift’s widening threat
- Do your fields have a problem with flooding… drought… or just rain infiltration?
- A synergistic way to accelerate recapture of your valuable cornstalk carbon
- One foliar spray with Mainstay Si and WakeUP Summer raised sweetcorn brix 5%
- Now’s the time to capture your “second harvest” of 2018
- Farm Progress Show visitors ask consultant Bob Streit: What hit Iowa corn?
- “Now all we need is a fence and cows” to harvest this massive cover crop
- Calcium, the king of crop nutrients, may have found a new queen: silicon
- Ken Hamilton and Salam Awada help fit the biological farming pieces together
- You can help crops tolerate weather stress with these symbiotic fungi
- Suddenly the biological farming learning curve accelerates! With profits to match
- First corn yield check of 218 shows 27-bu. benefit for Environoc 401 in-furrow
- Why WakeUP Summer translocates more nutrients into crops than ordinary surfactants
- More insight on what might be causing premature corn die-down
- Top 12 benefits you’ll bring home from this Aug. 20 Iowa field day
- California jury orders Monsanto to pay $289 million in cancer lawsuit
- New method for inserting multiple genes into plants also complicates health safety issues
- Opposing attorneys make closing statements in Monsanto glyphosate trial
- Brazilian federal judge suspends use of glyphosate products
- Biggest, fastest payoff for high-quality soil biology: vegetables and fruit
- Mystery malady: What’s your analysis of why this corn is dying early?
- This scientist reasons that GMO crops should be managed as invasive species
- Still time to foliar feed if leaves signal they’re low on chlorophyll
- When companies kill seed corn fields with brine, what’s the impact on vigor of your seed?
- British sugar beet grower raises tonnage a third — with beneficial bacteria
- Modern Farmer magazine: A leading indicator of what your future customers want
- We’ll head for the shed Aug. 20, expecting many biologically based new crop ideas!
- More foliar spray ideas to perk lazy soybeans into more blooms
- How a biological product is helping soybeans recover from waterlogged soils
- Spray drift damage fears could push up cost of liability insurance
- Calls from the cornfields: “Is there a way to offset severe nitrogen loss?”
- China: A major reason we’ve encouraged you to become more “biological,” more resilient
- WakeUp Advantage
- Midwest crop consultant Bob Streit’s July 8 field report
- A dozen profitable ideas for soil health from an “inexperienced” young no-till farmer
- WakeUP Summer can help you control late-season weeds, but resistance is rising
- When your accumulation of old totes is ready to retire, here’s a new career
- Synergistic in-furrow pair: Environoc 401 and WakeUP Spring
- Adding the new Pursanova Disk to a Pursanova energizing tube makes a difference
- Spring rains reveal a huge benefit of enriched soil biology: Soil absorbs rain much faster
- Moms Across America: Join a July 4 parade to speak up for healthier kids
- It’s time for a new paradigm on achieving peak soil fertility and crop profits!
- Agronomist Jim Porterfield: Soybean growers may be “leaving $24 an acre on the table”
- Ways to assure your corn crop that’s beautiful in June lives and yields its full potential in October
- Roundup / cancer trial starts July 9 in San Francisco Superior Court
- A new measure of soil health can help you evaluate benefits of soil-renewing investments
- Corn looks beautiful from the road, but crop consultants are looking for Goss’s wilt signals
- Now through pre-tassel: a profitable time to foliar feed corn
- Corn growth advantage widens with time as farmers test in-furrow Environoc 401 biological
- Scientists measure 76% plunge in flying insect numbers — in “nature preserves”
- Clean soybean fields… without herbicides
- GMO traits could hurt worse than tariffs on corn, bean exports to Europe
- What’s making our children sick?
- When will a weed-whacking robot head for your farm’s fields?
- Healthier, more vigorous crops — using energized water with your in-furrow nutrients?
- 12 ways to make a good crop great by foliar feeding
- Monsanto asks court to bar cancer lawsuit plaintiff from citing “Whitewash” book
- Biologicals accelerate the crop, the Web accelerates the message
- Bigger roots: First signal of in-furrow treatment with Environoc 401 plus WakeUP Spring
- New battalions of Moms rise up to rescue America from an insidious enemy
- How do your corn roots at the five to six leaf stage compare with these?
- Quick: What does this label mean on your food package in the grocery store?
- Foliars can accelerate growth of corn planted a little later than you wanted
- For early, deep-reaching roots, spray at V2 with WakeUP Spring and Vitazyme
- Indiana growers: Roots with in-furrow Environoc 401 outgrow others
- Whitewash: New book uncovers more than you may want to know about glyphosate
- Day 6 after planting, Vitazyme + WakeUP Spring edges a day ahead
- Safer, more effective spraying with these drift-reducing methods
- Supreme court of India: Seeds cannot be patented under laws of India
- Low-cost ways to leverage yield gains from biologicals, biostimulants and nutrients
- AgriEnergy offers more evidence and encouragement for banding nutrients and biologicals
- WakeUP can help you “infiltrate” surface-applied nutrients and biologicals
- Update on our earlier report, “Grow it and they will come”
- “With priority on planting, did any tasks get left out?”
- Day 34: Combination of WakeUP, microbes, biostimulant promotes more rooting
- One of the wisest bits of economic advice I’ve ever heard
- Day 22: More root growth, top growth in corn with biologicals and WakeUP Spring
- A coarse spray to cut drift calls for WakeUP to assure coverage and absorption
- Weekend essay: If you grow it, they will come
- 14 days after planting, lateral roots are proliferating in microbe-inoculated corn
- 12 days after planting, corn with in-furrow biologicals shows more green
- “Pushing to plant corn early just gives you more time to replant later.”
- At end of six days, biologically treated seed outraces untreated control
- First time we’ve seen a food retailer assure its products are tested for glyphosate
- The Institute of Sustainable Nutrition fires three shots… heard around the world
- Cheap, quick and easy way to pre-test seed and in-furrow treatments before planting
- In-furrow biological boosters could help cope with a cool, wet spring
- University scientist confirms effectiveness of AgriEnergy’s SP-1
- 4-bushel gain in soybean yield for $5.50 per acre LigniSeed treatment
- More than 100 farmers sought the latest facts on biological farming March 12
- “I’ve tried farming efficiently. Now what?”
- Agenda and speaker bios for soil health, plant health seminar March 12
- ISU’s Chad Hart: Ag export growth ahead! But buyers will be picky
- How RTK can cut costs by precision placement of nutrients, biologicals
- Hearing opens March 5 on lawsuits charging Roundup causes cancer
- Bring back beauty and the bees… with wildflowers mingled in your crops
- New evidence accumulates on glyphosate’s role in kidney disease
- Updates from Vitazyme show worldwide success with this biostimulant
- New ways to upgrade your soil health — and widen your profit margins
- 251-bu. corn in 2017 was “our best ever whole-farm average”
- Where our WakeUP clients are investing in their 2018 corn and soybean crops
- Indiana farmer Scott Odle tells you why he switched to non-GMO corn
- How WakeUP amplifies the universal currency of crop growth: “Carbon Flow”
- Today’s AgriEnergy seminar: A fitting tribute to AgriEnergy founder Dave Larson
- Opponents in glyphosate toxicity issue each claim they have “sound science”
- France, Germany lead efforts to phase out glyphosate use in European Union
- 53 colorful slides; dozens of Renewable Farming ideas for your farm
- Early spring gives you another opportunity to spray crop residue digester
- Vitazyme study indicates it’s helpful in restoring soil microbial diversity
- See you in Des Moines at the AgriEnergy Resources seminar Feb. 8!
- 40 bu. more corn from three synergistic in-furrow products. Cost: $17 an acre
- Here’s a $44 per acre yield benefit — for a $14 per acre investment
- As we start our 10th year with WakeUP, former clients are returning
- The Purdue professor heard ’round the world
- Are you ready for climate change? Global cooling, that is
- Is the glyphosate in our food sabotaging all our weight-control diets?
- Have a blessed 12 days of Christmas, all the way to Jan. 6
- New way to use calcium, king of nutrients, to enhance your yields
- Yield map signals a 20-bu. or more gain with an in-furrow biological, a biostimulant — and WakeUP Spring
- Research shows Vitazyme can remediate glyphosate impact on beneficial soil microbes
- We’re documenting facts that could be our most significant report of 2017
- Soil health needs an abundance of microbes, especially “good fungi” that build humus
- Video glimpses of farming systems in two countries: France and Argentina
- If your idea doesn’t catch on at first, be patient — for a decade or two
- AgriEnergy Resources blossoms into a biological fertility leader — nationwide
- A hot idea to raise delicious food — and keep your farm pond clean as a bonus
- In everything, we give thanks!
- Soon: A portable instrument to help you analyze crop quality in the field
- No-Till Farmer names glyphosate as a threat to soil health
- Women are leading the way to a healthier, more nutritious American agriculture
- Farming opportunities opened by opting out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Global warming skeptics at UN Climate Summit cheer U.S. exit from UN Paris Pact
- How sweet it is! Bees and biodiversity offer families such abundant rewards
- Need an idea-filled uplift this winter? Join more than 1,000 growers at ACRES
- A sound statistical reason to consider transitioning toward non-GMO crops
- Will your grandchildren escape this “stealth” American genocide?
- A fourteen-farmer treasury of proven cover-crop experiences
- Want to surround yourself with enthusiasm amid agriculture’s anguish: Check out Practical Farmers of Iowa
- Environoc 401
- Environoc 501
- The way it oughta be: Some green leaves on a juicy green stalk just before frost
- Residue digester shows microbial action just nine days after spraying on stalks
- NPR’s Dan Charles reveals weed scientists’ frustrations with dicamba and powerful forces pushing it
- “Blockchain” technology might link food consumers directly to what you produce
- Our latest tomato project: Fresh, tasty tomatoes all winter!
- Inexpensive way to amplify the benefit of biological residue digesters this fall
- New website documents power of Lignition, a biostimulant we’ve tested for three years
- Dr. Don Huber shows New Zealand farmers a great opportunity: Stay non-GMO
- Mature corn ears on green stalks… in mid-October! Here’s how you can do it too
- Moving from monoculture to polyculture: Every farm can use some of these ideas
- Why you can take part in encouraging a new, living foundation for civilization
- Restore healthy soil and healthy profits in farming — One farm at a time!
- UK’s Soil Association documents the rise and fall of GMO cotton in India
- Management mission for your post-harvest breather: “Time to RE-think anhydrous”
- Fall residue digestion helps for all of your crops, not just corn
- Full-season, biological nutrition generating 300-bu. corn again — on “poor” ground
- Consultant Bob Streit: Update on field day today, plus harvest news
- Some weed scientists distance themselves from Monsanto’s defensive efforts to preserve dicamba approval
- How a few corn growers are overcoming “early die-down” — and adding bushels to yield
- Another way to save money on ag chemical costs: It’s the water
- Finally, growers are eager to test the benefits of “biological” tools for healthy soil
- Dramatic postmortem evidence of glyphosate-linked damage to animal organs
- Ways to get fall residue digestion started — bypassing pressures of your harvest rush
- How WakeUP helps mobilize foliar-applied calcium — the “king” of nutrients
- How WakeUP and good soil biology help preserve lush pastures into late summer
- Images direct from the cornfield reveal the power of healthy soil biology
- Another example of the power of capturing CO2 to empower yields and build soil life
- Will “climate change” mania dictate sterilizing soils to block carbon dioxide emissions?
- Flowers bloom especially brilliantly when given a foliar blend of trace nutrients mobilized with WakeUP Summer
- Idaho fertility company reconfirms yield power of silica, calcium and “minor” elements
- AgriEnergy Resources confirms: You can still enhance yields with late-season foliar feeding
- We’ve made Renewablefarming.com news easier to read on your cell phone
- “This is one one of the most delicious watermelons I’ve grown”
- Next season’s crop productivity starts with enriching soil biology this fall
- Soybeans: Is season-long weed control possible without glyphosate, glufosinate, dicamba?
- Update on what to do about Goss’s wilt in corn; interview with Bob Streit
- How to upgrade alfalfa yield and quality with WakeUP Spring — profitably
- Quick way to monitor drought, other weather stress in your area
- “Regulatory Risk” of transgenic technology grows along with bans, warnings, controversy
- Why solutions flow more easily through your sprayer tips with WakeUP
- A major motivation in Renewable Farming: The marvelous friends we meet!
- Wall Street Journal weighs in on dicamba damage and bans in Missouri, Arkansas
- For almost 10 years, we’ve seen the benefit of season-long crop nutrition
- Confirmed tests show Goss’s wilt emerging across Iowa
- Organic Vitazyme
- SP-1
- Symbiosis Agx
- Vitazyme
- Hopefully, climate warming will arrive in time to offset the global chill ahead
- We’re celebrating July 4 with a foliar biostimulant to enhance your yields!
- How to make your own inexpensive foliar biostimulant for corn and beans
- Seven ways WakeUP Summer outperforms common surfactants
- Timely foliar nutrition and biologicals help battle early “die-down” in corn
- Moms Across America helps win a glyphosate battle in California
- WakeUP Summer clients tell us it’s the best spray tank cleaner they’ve found
- Arkansas Plant Board votes 120-day ban on Dicamba sale or use
- Consultant Bob Streit advises how to help late, stressed crops
- How to accelerate root growth in late-planted or replanted corn
- Yes — WakeUP Summer intensifies benefits of contact herbicides
- Fertility menu for “reputation” sweetcorn (and healthy field corn too)
- Early signals of root response to Lignition seed treatment
- Victory for agriculture: No entangling alliances under the “Paris climate agreement”
- The Dog Test: They Can Detect and Choose Pursanova Activated Water
- New video summary of how glyphosate impacts human health
- Another example of why in-furrow biologicals plus WakeUP start corn stronger
- Update: County officials agree to work with Azure Farm on organic weed control plan
- Sherman County, Oregon officials threaten to destroy organic status of 2,000-acre farm
- Monsanto licences glyphosate-free weedkiller for Austria. Active ingredient: Vinegar
- Chinese avoidance of GMO bean oil offers opportunity for U.S. non-GMO soybean growers
- This study could lead to more non-GMO soybean competition from Brazil
- Secrets of turning white sandy soil black — in a few short years
- Organic corn, soybean imports depress prices despite soaring U.S. organic demand
- Internet upstarts pressure co-op prices on ag chemicals, specialty nutrients
- Irvin Osterloh among winners in Wisconsin Soybean Yield Contest
- St. Valentine’s day has an agricultural root… in the symbolic almond tree
- What — a big new farm magazine in the pit of low ag commodity prices?
- Will you be ready for the next opportunities in crop marketing?
- New $1.4 million study: Can glyphosate residue in feed affect animal health?
- We’ll have “Vitazyme” available for you this season for the first time
- Daily Mail newspaper reveals Global Warming data fraud, makes a mistake of its own
- Why biologicals are a key piece of your 2017 crop profit puzzle
- How personal friendships build foundations for global economic opportunities
- Updates on WakeUP, Bio-Empruv studies available via a quick download here
- From the makers of WakeUP: We’re passing our volume savings on to you!
- Lignition could help improve seed vigor, making “seed saving” profitable
- Monsanto president deflects mother’s health concerns on Roundup at stockholders’ meeting
- Practical Farmers of Iowa receives a gift: A farm from longtime members
- European Union parliament raises another barrier to new GMO crops in Europe
- Avoiding TTP can create alternate opportunities for quality ag products
- Highlights and insights from the Practical Farmers of Iowa conference
- In agriculture, there are few new ideas… just new agricultural editors
- Another reason to hesitate before you junk that row-crop cultivator
- Ag Secretary nominee Sonny Perdue brings veterinary training, Georgia governor’s experience to USDA
- How Russia’s non-GMO strategy is already earning export dividends… from China
- A nearly forgotten, biologically based way of building long-term productive soils
- What’s behind 280-bu. corn on this rolling, “low” corn suitability rating soil?
- Wall Street Journal features farmers who beat low ag prices with creative marketing
- Two-year feeding trial reveals connection between Roundup and liver disease
- Free test you can use to choose a surfactant with superior “wetting” power
- Crop Update: Are micronutrients limiting response to your applied nitrogen?
- How the Web connects experts worldwide, speeding problem-solving in agriculture
- Are You Cecropia Curious?
- How WakeUP Summer mobilizes foliar nutrients fortified with phosphites
- Proposed new Iowa soybean processing venture would offer $1.50 per bu. premium
- Video evidence of how Bio Empruv and foliar nutrition enhanced corn yields
- Laboratory testing commissioned by the organizations Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse revealed that glyphosate is now showing up virtually everywhere.
- The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. Previous research on animals, including rats, has led to similar findings.
- Feedback from farmers on how WakeUP is helping them
- How corn growers gain 40 bu. or more with full-season crop health and nutrition
- Dec. 24 weekend essay: A world on the eve of a rebirth of freedom?
- Chinese ag economist writes Ivanka Trump: Help us free China from GMO foods
- 521-bu. corn contest winner for 2016: Uniform emergence, season-long fertility
- China’s biggest corn-producing province bans growing of GMO crops
- Full-season fertility and biologicals offer an edge in a tight-margin season
- In-furrow fertility: high-return place for biologicals, traces (and a little NPK)
- Carey Gillam brings you GMO and ag policy news most farm editors won’t touch
- Outlook specialist Sue Martin: “Don’t get trapped in negative price talk.”
- “I’m not convinced the solution to weed resistance will come in a jug.”
- Update on Dave Schwartz 2016 corn yields with full-season foliars
- EPA already seen leaning toward a “pass” on controversy over Roundup’s cancer risk
- Argentina’s farmers reviving hopes as export tariffs, regulations are relieved
- Next spring, how much of that fall-applied nitrogen will still be in your soil?
- Updates from a crop consultant on control of resistant weeds for the 2017 season
- Healthy crops, healthy food: Who can your family really trust?
- Agricultural ties forged friendship leading to Branstad’s possible role as ambassador to China
- Farmers’ enthusiasm and confidence continues strong at ACRES USA conference
- Food marketing opportunity: Sell quality fruit, veggies, or meat to a meal-kit provider
- 160 Global Groups Call for Moratorium on New Genetic Extinction Technology
- Ben Hartman told farmers at ACRES how to make a living on one acre
- It will take more than “going organic” to reverse America’s soaring chronic disease rates
- Neal Kinsey’s most effective weedkillers: soil fertility and intensive management
- Fall farming can help get an early start on growing your maximum microbe crop
- Expending more management, less money can help with 2017 corn, bean budgets
- ACRES conference in Omaha Nov. 29-Dec. 2: Your eco-farming opportunity
- On-farm field test: Beans stayed healthier, yielded more with Vitazyme and WakeUP
- Sometimes it takes a lot of plot replications to confirm a yield benefit
- How to profit from a revival of your soil health and productivity
- Update: Season-long nutrition and disease protection bumped yield monitor over 300 bu.
- Crop consultant: Use savings on seed to strengthen season-long crop health
- Horsch air seeder sows cereal rye cover crop while you combine
- Our first corn trial result of 2106 shows yield boost with AgriEnergy’s “EvenUP”
- Early harvest has an upside: More opportunity for biological soil building
- Book early for the best non-GMO hybrids and varieties for 2017
- Your next crop starts now, as your “littlest livestock” digest 2016 harvest residue
- Streit: Nutrition points to check if your yields come in a little short of expectations
- Central Corn Belt soybean yields coming in strong, corn below expectations
- Further field evidence that good nutrition helps crops resist disease, live longer
- Heroes of American health research, part 1: Samsel and Seneff
- Examples of comments submitted to EPA on glyphosate safety
- Why building a biologically sound farm is the foundation for great opportunity
- Double-crop beans… in CANADA…. after winter canola… could go 35 bu.
- Crop watch: Rain makes fungus grow too, notes consultant Streit
- Why Dave Schwartz’ corn stays healthy long after neighboring fields died
- German lawmakers ask regulators to curb Bayer-Monsanto deal
- Consultant Streit: Is that predicted corn yield really out there?
- As weed resistance builds, total herbicide use keeps climbing
- Renewable Farming Editorials
- EPA released evaluation Sept. 12 claiming glyphosate does not cause cancer
- Goss’ wilt appears to be part of the disease pressure behind corn’s “early die-down”
- How WakeUP outperformed two leading surfactants
- Bayer acquiring Monsanto for $66 billion
- Crop consultant Bob Streit: Why USDA crop condition surveys may prove over-optimistic
- A tale of two soybean fields
- 171.8-bu. soybean yield by Randy Dowdy breaks former world record
- New research continues to document positive payback for fall-applied gypsum
- You can taste the benefit of WakeUP when you foliar-feed your garden!
- Ways to cut crop production costs by leveraging “free” biological fertility
- Corn used to be one of our healthiest crops. Now what?
- “Leveraging” soil microbial life with WakeUP — on cover crops
- With signs of soybean SDS and dying corn, how will big crops hold up until harvest?
- Foundations for next season’s yield are built in your soil health this fall!
- Challenge of the Gene Logsdon legacy: Where are the new ag contrarians?
- Our 2016 soybean test plots show promise for Lignition and WakeUP in-furrow
- Don Huber, Jerry Hatfield, Michael McNeil, Bob Streit, Vatché Keuftedjian, Keith Schlakohl… Sept. 6 field day!
- Surprising new opportunity for cotton growers… in India
- Consultant Bob Streit: What to watch for as crops finish maturing
- New poll indicates that majority of farmers see new GMO “labeling” law as damaging
- University of Missouri study shows Vitazyme “heals” glyphosate damage in soybeans
- Frequently asked questions about WakeUP
- Heading for 30-bu. double-crop soybeans after wheat — in Canada!
- Conventional scientists start decoding the “secret” language of plants
- Vitazyme, a well-proven crop biostimulant, gains a new boost with WakeUP
- New study: Corn, bean yields rise with extended use of cover crops
- Farmers who switched to non-GMO crops find lower costs, equal yields, more profit
- Consultant Bob Streit: What to watch for when scouting your fields in August
- Dicamba drift makes National Public Radio headlines: Crime in the Fields
- New lawsuit against chemtrails could force “Geoengineering” into legal spotlight
- We wonder how any lawmaker can be proud of this new law
- Your high-clearance sprayer can make you extra money in midsummer
- How WakeUP Summer helps you fry runaway late-season weeds
- WakeUP Summer: The powerful crop surfactant that’s safe in your kitchen
- The Dark Act may develop a silver lining for alert farmers
- Bunge launches major offering of verified non-GMO corn and oils
- Senate votes to pass national GMO food “labeling”
- Biological yield boosters: Next new technology for farmers
- Senators smuggling “DARK Act” through Congress — riding on an unrelated bill
- Yes, you can successfully foliar-feed crops when leaves are wet with dew
- New evidence that WakeUP enhances in-furrow nutrients and biologicals
- Sneak attack to pass latest “Dark Act” could backfire on GMO food marketers
- WakeUP Spring amplifies early root growth by stimulating mycorrhiza
- Your upcoming 2016 Battle with the New Goss’s Wilt
- How WakeUP can amplify your fertility effectiveness and profit in 2016
- Crop consultant Bob Streit: Planning for “longer survival” for corn in 2016
- A pork producer documents how glyphosate residues enter our food ecosystem
- A farm-raised high school senior’s view of farming’s future
- Consultant Bob Streit: New forces are driving the market for what you grow
- Glyphosate measured in urine of 99.6% of 2,009 German citizens tested
- More European nations revolt against re-licensing glyphosate in the EU
- Encouraging your predator insects…. to attack each other
- How WakeUP can enhance your health — with an abundant garden this season
- Bob Streit: Study foliar feeding as one way to pare nutrient costs in 2016
- Conklin Co. farmer data show 7.3-bu. corn yield gain for Kip Cullers “Compass”
- “Zika virus” panic: Coverup for consequences of government pesticide applications?
- Non-GMO livestock feed mills springing up across the Midwest
- How these 10 technologies work together to widen your 2016 profit margins
- Lancaster Ag Products “Real Heath Conference” canceled after blizzard crushed warehouse
- “Power Grower Seminar” featuring John Kempf set for Feb. 24 in Nevada, IA
- Successful organic farmers full of enthusiasm for 2016 and beyond
- “Poisoned Fields” documentary offered in full High Definition by producer
- 245-bu. winter wheat yield recognized in Guinness World Records
- Monsanto sues California environmental regulators to block glyphosate listing as carcinogen
- Middle eastern food production hampered by water shortages, too
- On-line eco-seminar Jan. 18-21 has a rich array of presenters
- Syngenta’s board votes “advanced takeover talks” with China National Chemical
- Ecologically focused farmers convene with confidence while global markets tremble
- It’s 8 degrees below zero, and WakeUP in your machine shed is just fine
- Adding WakeUP to nutrients added 7 bu. corn yield benefit in four years of field tests
- Major ag firms launch massive microbial research projects for ag “sustainability”
- 3MG: a corn breeder growing counter-culture to the GMO industry
- Ohio Corn Performance Tests compare non-GMO and conventional hybrids
- El Niño reversal into LaNiña will load odds for wet Spring, dry Autumn
- From the makers of WakeUP: We’re reducing our price to enhance your profits
- Consultant Bob Streit: For 2016 crop plans, take a closer look at micronutrients
- 30 to 40 bu. yield jump in corn: Fertility, biology, growth promotor — and WakeUP
- AgriEnergy Resources seminar Jan. 26: “Next Generation Farming.”
- Dr. Stephanie Seneff: Courage to care about our food despite controversy
- 532-bu. new world record corn yield: Based on healthy soil biology
- Penn State: Avoiding neonicotinoid seed treatment helps protect beneficial insects
- “Dark Act” not linked to budget bill… but still lurking in the background
- El Niño outlook for Midwest winter starting Dec. 22: Warmer than normal
- How much carbon does a corn crop need to extract from the environment?
- Global warming pact of Paris: History’s most incredible “false flag” shakedown
- Non-GMO labeled retail food sales have surpassed USDA “Organic”
- Oregon Right to know group warns end run by “DARK Act” sponsors
- An array of idea-filled winter meetings where you may see learning opportunities
- Consultant Bob Streit: No input is immune from “saving” $100 per acre in 2016
- “Soil Health Institute” announced — to break new ground on soil biology
- Dec. 10-11: Free seminar focusing on profitable “Farming for Future Generations”
- Big step toward robotic weed control: Crops that emit a special frequency
- European Parliament debates scientific basis for renewing glyphosate registration
- Grassroots biotech battle in Argentina heats up as health issues become more clear
- How in-furrow fertility triggers crops into a vigorous start
- Paris: What the politicians are trying to control is you, not the climate
- Argentine doctors call for sharp restrictions on crop pesticides — especially glyphosate
- Farmers in California’s Central Valley struggle while the ground under them sinks
- Free soil-building webinar by John Kempf “goes viral”
- EPA suspension of Enlist Duo registration could be temporary
- Expansion of cover crops stimulates search for “burndown” alternative to glyphosate
- For every insect pest, there are hundreds of beneficial insects… if you encourage them
- A food movie — “Consumed” — could come to a theater near you
- WakeUP Summer doubled corn yield gain in Nebraska foliar nutrient trial
- Consultant Bob Streit: Focus on cover crops, residue management
- On our farm, every day is turkey day. And we’re thankful
- Why big ag corporations want you to believe the Trans-Pacific Partnership will help you
- 5-bu. yield gain on soybeans with MegaMag, Symbiosis AGx applied 2×2
- New ways to monitor your soil microbes to build productive power
- Finally: Key facts about glyphosate and health, packed into one scientific review
- Recreational tillage — still more popular than cover crops
- Coming from Germany to America: a new video documentary about glyphosate
- As corporate giants offer “data intensive” technology, we like a weigh wagon
- The inconvenient truth is, debunking the global warming deity can get you fired
- 28-bu. corn yield gain with “cheap” in-furrow feeding at planting
- 19-bu. corn yield gain with a bio-stimulant and WakeUP in-furrow
- Washington Post features USDA “censorship” case filed by ARS entomologist
- “The road back to conventional” non-GMO crops
- Time to evaluate this season’s crop and next spring’s plans
- Antibiotics kill beneficial digestive microbes too… leading toward obesity
- Zen Honeycutt reveals the hidden agenda of that Des Moines food conference
- What researchers learned from 15 years of genetically engineering cows
- One foliar spray, with WakeUP: 7 more bushels of soybeans
- A clear-weather harvest helped salvage downed corn
- Food Justice Rally fills west lawn of U.S. Capitol building
- High-yielding winter wheat starts this fall — with foliar feeding
- How WakeUP can enhance cover crop rooting and winter survival
- Dr. Vandana Shiva updates India’s experiences with Bt cotton
- Your littlest livestock: Best protection against plant pests and disease
- Oct. 6 crop update from consultant Bob Streit
- Combine monitor ranged between 250 and 300 bu. in this field today
- More farmers learning how to foliar feed with sap testing diagnostics
- The challenge of keeping corn alive for extended kernel fill
- Consultant Bob Streit: Why full-season crop nutrition paid so well this year
- If farming’s future is in biotech, why is Monsanto pivoting toward data sciences?
- Would anyone at Iowa State have the facts and fortitude to write this editorial?
- European Union corn yield gains outpace U.S. — with few GMOs
- It’s the harvest dust and mold season; here’s a link to help you
- Grape grower: “Healthier grapes with WakeUP in our program”
- Crop consultant Bob Streit describes the 2015 battle with Goss’ wilt
- Biological benefits add to the profits in cover crops
- 7.5 bu. per acre soybean yield increase with “Lignition” foliar growth promotant
- France joins Germany, Scotland, Greece and Latvia to ban GMO crops
- Sept. 15 crop update from consultant Bob Streit
- No Sudden Death Syndrome in these soybeans
- Sound of a chewing caterpillar triggers a plant’s chemical defenses
- The rest of September… loaded with omens of uncertainty
- Will “sudden death” of corn and beans lead to changed yield estimates?
- This was a season when side-dress and foliar N paid off well for corn
- The tangled web woven by biotech firms, universities, GMO lobbyists
- State of California publishes intent to list glyphosate as carcinogenic
- Ready for climate change? We’re talking about global COOLING
- Sept. 4 crop update from consultant Bob Streit
- The worst mistake a corporation can make: Infuriate mothers, or the Chinese
- Dr. Don Huber recommends the book, “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth”
- Video available from BRT Field Day at Stockton, IA Sept. 2
- Patches of premature soybean yellowing offer management clues
- 12 foliar feeding ideas for higher yields
- Federal judge blocks EPA’s new “clean water act” regs in 13 states
- “Healthy Farming News” archive links
- How Heartland Farms won the hearts of its fruit and vegetable customers
- Five-star speaker lineup for BRT field day Sept. 2 near Stockton, IA
- Germany’s ag minister moves to ban growing GMO crops in Germany
- Consultant Bob Streit’s crop update for week of Aug. 24
- A few farmland buying funds focus on organic, non-GMO production
- We asked, “Show me the evidence on glyphosate.” Here it is
- Fast-food diet “devastates” gut bacteria: Who’s really responsible?
- August 17 Midwest crop update from consultant Bob Streit
- NASA climatologist: This could be the “Godzilla of El Niños”
- Glyphosate based herbicide formulations: toxic at “safe” regulatory levels?
- More crop diversity, fewer crop pests
- Foliar feeding can add bushels to beans during pod fill
- Scotland’s government announces total ban on growing of GMO crops
- Wildlife and human disease trends — and the herbicide connection
- New study: How glyphosate impacts earthworms
- August 4 field report from crop consultant Bob Streit
- Heavy metals chelated by glyphosate: A link to kidney disease?
- Ukrainian farm managers eager to learn more about non-GMO soybeans
- Monsanto-initiated study: No glyphosate in human breast milk
- World Health Organization releases full report on glyphosate as “probable human carcinogen”
- Crop Update from consultant Bob Streit
- U.S. House to vote on “Deny Americans the Right to Know” act
- Sap analysis has paid off for farmers served by this crop consultant
- Reproductive phase crops call for yield-preserving management
- Update on Goss’ wilt in Nebraska
- More than El Niño at work in a soggy Eastern and Southeastern U.S.
- Study finds genetic engineering of soybeans leads to formaldehyde content
- Wall Street Journal poll: 63% of readers favor labeling GMO foods
- Gabe and Paul Brown: Ranchers show how to renew soil life
- “Dirt Doctor” prescribes ways to apply foliar nutrients
- How WakeUP “amplifies” foliar nutrient benefits
- White House orders “independent” safety study on GMO crops… really?
- It’s not always easy being non-GMO
- AgriEnergy Resources highlights WakeUP in national ad
- Yes, you can heal nutrient deficiencies signaled by yellow soybeans
- Facts about glyphosate and GMOs that we wish weren’t true
- Miracles coming — from mycorrhizal fungi?
- Here’s one of the best foliar feeding presentations we’ve seen
- Northern Leaf Blight reported in Iowa, Nebraska corn
- “Top Growers” aims to make sap analysis of corn and soybeans more cost-effective
- Three ways WakeUP intensifies contact herbicide effectiveness
- This cover crop is mushrooming in Iowa
- Still time to side-dress N on corn if you can get in between rains
- Consultant Bob Streit: Build Goss’ wilt immunity early
- Now’s the time to foliar feed for another 5 bu. of soybeans
- Glyphosate in lab animals’ rations could invalidate health studies: July 2 update
- AgriEnergy Resources mentions how WakeUP energizes foliar nutrients
- Chinese petition ag ministry to recognize glyphosate threat
- Research shows WakeUP improves foliar nutrient absorption
- How WakeUP Spring accelerates root growth
- Argentine health professionals’ union: Ban glyphosate
- No sale, yet, for Obamatrade in the House
- 5 Ways WakeUP Summer can boost your 2015 yields
- Crop Consultant Bob Streit’s report
- Testing Kip Cullers’ “Compass”
- Guides For Your On-Farm Research
- New Research Underway
- Why WakeUP Works In Your Crops
- Healthy Farming News
- Contact Us
- More than 700 people pack Vandana Shiva lecture
- Attorney Steven Druker digs behind GMO regulatory facade
- WakeUP Summer: Handy around the house as a cleaner
- Demand for organic crops outgrowing supplies
- Chinese lawsuit asks disclosure of Roundup safety data
- Cover crops and non-GMO seed can trim 2015 expenses
- Non-GMO Links
- WakeUP Summer
- WakeUP Spring
- Home Page
- How vertical tillage and sound biology raised soil productivity
- Vandana Shiva challenges GMO “model” at Iowa State