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India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, reports stunning success in fighting Covid-19

India’s official health agencies and major media are reporting virtually complete control of Covid-19 among 240 million people in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Only 5.8% of the state’s people have been vaccinated against Covid. What happened? 

September 16, 2021 Last April, the Covid caseload in Uttar Pradesh totaled 310,000. As of August 31, the active caseload had fallen to 269. The declining case load, as reported in India Today and the Hindustan Times, is summarized on the website Gateway Pundit at this link. The Gateway Pundit story credits the antiviral drug Ivermectin as a major preventive measure and effective early treatment in India.  However, the two major newspapers linked above don’t even mention Ivermectin in the nation’s treatment strategy.

In the United States, where the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) oppose Ivermectin for Covid, physicians recommending it are being threatened with loss of medical licenses. Mainstream U.S. news reports claim there’s no connection between Ivermectin’s use in India and reductions of infection rates there. 

It’s almost as if the news censorship on Ivermectin in America has infected media throughout India too.

Only the “alternative” media are citing Ivermectin as involved at all across India. The Wentworth Report posted a detailed feature Sept.11 by David Evans showing the sharp reductions several Indian states have achieved, even with low vaccination rates. Evans sums up:

“It is a disgrace — a science scandal of the ages — that the West is ignoring and traducing ivermectin, when the evidence is there for all to see. India has shown us, even doing real-time experiments of different treatments in different states. Why the fixation on vaccines in the West? On the face of it, it just doesn’t make sense.”

Another report out of India says the lead attorney for the Indian Bar Association has threatened criminal prosecution for Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, an Indian citizen acting as a chief scientist for the WHO. The charge: directing health officials in the southern state of Tamil Nadu to omit Ivermectin from treatment protocols. The 71-point accusation observes that Covid deaths in the state rose sharply, while falling in other states providing Ivermectin. In India, a two-tablet preventive treatment of Ivermectin costs less than two cents.

You can read a full report at this linkHere’s an excerpt from the website article:

“The WHO and FDA are not approving Ivermectin but many doctors and scientists believe Ivermectin is effective. There is the claim that the Indian States that used Ivermectin had far better outcomes and far fewer COVID deaths than the Indian states that did not use Ivermectin.

“Among the most prominent examples include the Ivermectin areas of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Goa where cases dropped 98%, 97%, 94%, and 86%, respectively. By contrast, Tamil Nadu opted out of Ivermectin. As a result, their cases skyrocketed and rose to the highest in India. Tamil Nadu deaths increased ten-fold.”

An Italian news website, Italy24 News, offers a comprehensive report on Ivermectin recommendations for Covid-19 — including those from several U.S. physicians and medical researchers. Despite that, the CDC and WHO remain adamant, basing their “scientific” claim on a relatively small study where Ivermectin was given in large doses to late-stage Covid patients.

Another “alternative news” site, The Burning Platform, points out that the politicization of Ivermectin has blacked out most news linking this cheap anti-viral drug to India’s success reducing Covid cases since April 2021.

The website posted a feature-length article Sept. 15 headlined “The Undeniable Ivermectin Miracle…” 

There are other reports, too. But we couldn’t find a single mention on “mainstream media” of India’s Covid-crushing success linked to Ivermectin as integral to the nation’s three-part strategy testing, tracing and treatment — which means finding and treating early. 

The medical and media magnates are playing a losing game of whack-a-mole in the internet world. It’s a planet where a few people with the truth can “go viral” to help millions of people battle this virus.  

For example: Talk about a “lab leak,” here’s one: a revelation of a NIH lab worker who was apparently fired for reporting that Dr. Anthony Fauci told several lab staff members he hasn’t gotten a Covid shot and didn’t intend to…. because Fauci said he’s “irreplaceable.”

Since we’re already needling the good Dr. Fauci, here’s a link to multiple videos of his scientific data on the effectiveness of masks against Covid: The internet never forgets! But it does get censored, so this video meme might not last long.


Indian government chart showing Covid deaths in Uttar Pradesh state, India