Renewable Farming

August 2017

Another example of the power of capturing CO2 to empower yields and build soil life

Today’s “GroundWork” message from AgriEnergy Resources displays colorful evidence of organic matter gains from “going biological” with your crop nutrient program. You can dig up the proof with your spade — see it with your eyes and smell it with your nose. August 25, 2017 — The photo below came from somewhat lighter loam soils […]

Another example of the power of capturing CO2 to empower yields and build soil life Read More »

Will “climate change” mania dictate sterilizing soils to block carbon dioxide emissions?

One of the most positive and profitable searches for crop profits is the new enthusiasm for “Soil Health” among farmers, extension agronomists and ag fertility firms.  However, climate activists anxiously question the soil’s role in CO2 emissions. August 23, 2017   By Jerry Carlson — I wonder how soon the political powers who claim carbon

Will “climate change” mania dictate sterilizing soils to block carbon dioxide emissions? Read More »

Flowers bloom especially brilliantly when given a foliar blend of trace nutrients mobilized with WakeUP Summer

Ever since we started working with WakeUP’s colloidal micelle technology back in 2008, Renewable Farming’s office manager, Jeanene Carlson, has been spraying WakeUP mixes along with various nutrients on her flowers and ornamentals. Now, our grandson Blake has begun growing cut flowers commercially — using WakeUP Summer and nutrients to power them into more brilliant blooms and

Flowers bloom especially brilliantly when given a foliar blend of trace nutrients mobilized with WakeUP Summer Read More »

Idaho fertility company reconfirms yield power of silica, calcium and “minor” elements

Bob Streit, founder of Central Iowa Agronomics, has the keenest instinct of anyone we know for finding promising new technologies for improving crop yields and profits. We’re posting below an edited excerpt from Bob’s newest field report, focusing on a relatively new silica-based product from Redox Chemical Company, based in Burley, Idaho.  August 14, 2017 — Redox offers a

Idaho fertility company reconfirms yield power of silica, calcium and “minor” elements Read More »

AgriEnergy Resources confirms: You can still enhance yields with late-season foliar feeding

Today’s e-mail “Ground Work” message which AgriEnergy Resources of Princeton, IL sent to their clients emphasizes that needed foliar nutrients — applied well into the reproductive phase of crop development — can pay off with more yield and heavier grain test weights.  August 11, 2017 — AgriEnergy emphasized in their e-mailed report (inserted in whole below)

AgriEnergy Resources confirms: You can still enhance yields with late-season foliar feeding Read More »

We’ve made news easier to read on your cell phone

Half of our website readers visit our website using a smart phone or tablet. We’ve enabled a new “Reader View” option when you open an individual story within our site, making the report easier to read with larger type and a text flow fitted to your screen. August 9, 2017 — Here’s how to click

We’ve made news easier to read on your cell phone Read More »

“This is one one of the most delicious watermelons I’ve grown”

When Blake Carlson exclaims like that over his watermelon’s exceptional quality and flavor, we figure it’s worth asking what secrets he used to grow it. Certainly, WakeUP Summer was part of it, but what nutrients went into that red, crisp melon? August 7, 2017 By Jerry Carlson — Call me a bragging Grandpa if you will,

“This is one one of the most delicious watermelons I’ve grown” Read More »

Next season’s crop productivity starts with enriching soil biology this fall

Mid-summer is an excellent time to evaluate microbial activity in your fields. Do you see white michorrhizal fungi? Are the residues degrading? How is the soil structure, does it have a nice crumb structure? Smell the soil, is it a good earthy smell? August 3, 2017 — Here’s an update adapted from a field report by AgriEnergy Resources.

Next season’s crop productivity starts with enriching soil biology this fall Read More »