The photo below just arrived from Vatché Kuftedjian, manufacturer of the Pursanova systems for structuring/energizing water. One of his farmer clients in southeastern Minnesota, Chris Sauer, has been watching a corn experiment emerge and grow this spring, and today sent Vatché a report. We followed up with Chris.
June 4, 2018 — The two cornstalks on the left below came from rows fertilized in-furrow with 6 gallons per acre of 6-24-6. The two cornstalks on the right came from rows planted a day later with only 3 gallons of the same in-furrow fertilizer, plus 5 gallons of water. But the water was “structured.” Energized with the Pursanova system.
We’ve used the Pursanova “tube” at our own home and research farm for many years, but this is the first time we’ve seen a grow-out trial like this. It raises an important research question: How much will Pursanova water improve the performance of in-furrow (and foliar) nutrients? Our own greenhouse trials have shown more rapid germination and emergence with Pursanova water, compared with ordinary well water.
Chris Sauer told us this morning: “We’ve been watching growth of these fields since emergence. Differences in height, stalk diameter and root growth are increasing as the corn develops.”
Pursanova has conducted many on-farm and greenhouse trials demonstrating improved crop performance using Pursanova-treated water. Visit the research page on the Pursanova website.
There’s also more specific information on the Pursanova site relevant to agriculture at this link.
The 2,600-acre Sauer farm near Lewiston, southeast Minnesota transitioned to all non-GMO crops about five years ago. They produce about 70,000 feeder pigs. They also operate a feed mill for their own livestock, and provide custom feed grinding/blending for other producers.
Here’s the photo which encourages following up with a closer watch: