AgriEnergy Resources is hosting a seminar, “Solving the Farm Profit Puzzle: Biologicals are a Key Piece” from 8am-5pm Tuesday, February 7 at Wise Guys Grill in Princeton Illinois.
Feb 3, 2017 — Renewable Farming will cover the meeting. Here’s the agenda as posted by AgriEnergy Resources:
Here are the biological “pieces” we plan to cover:
- 8:30 a.m. The AgriEnergy Story – Dean Craine, AgriEnergy Resources
- After 35+ years of farming biologically and working with farmers throughout the country, our General Manager Dean Craine, will show you how we changed the color of our soils. By improving soil health with the aid of our SP-1™, Myco Seed Treat® (Mycorrhizal Fungi), and Residuce®, Dean will show you how you can make your soils darker no matter your location.
- 9:00 a.m. Turning White Sand Black – Josh Boan, JB AG LLC
- Fertility is carbon, and carbon is black, and black is money. Hear how our dealer, Josh Boan of Florida, turned his white, sandy soil into sticky, black, fertile soil, and how that’s impacted his crop enterprise. With degrees in both Soil & Water Science and Environmental Management in Agriculture from the University of Florida, Josh has over 16 years of experience improving soil health.
- 9:15 a.m. Darker Soil with SP-1™ – Denny Wildman, Crop Consultant
- Denny Wildman is focused on building an applied systems approach with our biologicals combined with Stoller Enterprises’ technology of nutrition and hormones. He will show you what to look at in the field and how you can increase your yields on any crop, on any soil, anywhere.
- 9:45 a.m. How to Make “Your” Soils Darker – Dean Craine, AgriEnergy Resources
- No matter where you’re from – the sandy soils of the southeast to the black soils of the midwest, Dean will share how the methods Josh and Denny discussed can be applied anywhere.
- 10:00 a.m. Break
- 10:15 a.m. New “Pieces” for Plant Protection – Dr. Tony Adesemoye, Plant Pathology Extension Specialist
- Working as a Plant Pathology Extension Specialist at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, Dr. Tony Adesemoye focuses his research on the management of soil-borne plant pathogens using biological control as a component of integrated plant disease management in soybeans, corn, and wheat. He conducts studies with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) as biological control agents. This session will be all about how his findings complete the puzzle of integrated disease management.
- 11:15 a.m. The Plant Protection Puzzle – Mark Egan, AgriEnergy Resources
- Mark Egan has extensive experience working with plant protection on a variety of crops including vegetables, cotton, peanuts, corn, and soybeans. He will complete the plant protection puzzle and explain how AgriEnergy uses PGPR’s, ISR’s, and SAR’s that Dr. Tony Adesemoye discussed.
- 12:00 p.m. Lunch
- 1:00 p.m. Wise Tillage – Dean Craine, AgriEnergy Resources
- Wise tillage is a critical piece to solving the farm profit puzzle. With wise tillage, we’ve seen a field yield over 200-bushel corn with only 35 pounds of added nitrogen. Dean will explain how wise tillage can be even more effective when combined with biologicals, residue management, and cover crops.
- 1:30 p.m. Manures – Mike Wyatt, AgriEnergy Resources
- Mike Wyatt has extensive experience working with cattle operations in Nebraska and the surrounding areas. He’s seen first hand the benefits of running a diversified farm and knows when and when not to use manure. He’ll explain how appropriate timing of the right product can lend to maximized profitability.
- 1:45 p.m. Compost – Dave Chance, Chance Farms
- Along with his wife, Dave Chance farms 2200 acres of corn, soybeans, and wheat. They also use cover crops and operate a farrow to finish hog operation in Lebanon, Indiana. He will use his years of experience to discuss the synergy of using compost blended with soil amendments.
- 2:15 p.m. Liquid Applications – Jared Roberts, The Andersons Inc.
- Jared currently serves as the Territory Manager for Specialty Products at The Andersons Inc. He works with growers all over Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. He will be discussing the benefits of liquid fertilizer, including starters, side-dress applications, and micronutrients.
- 2:45 p.m. Biologicals – Gary Campbell, AgriEnergy Resources
- Did you know there’s something you can do right now to set the table for this crop year? Something as simple as turning a yield-robbing liability into a yield-enhancing asset? Gary will discuss what you can do RIGHT NOW to maximize next year’s profits, including the use of biologicals, residue management, and crop rotation.
- 3:30 p.m. Break
- 3:45 p.m. Transitional & Organic Programs – Reggie Destree, Organic Consultant
- Reggie Destree, a Wisconsin-based Organic Marketing Consultant and former organic farmer, is so passionate about organic farming that his license plate says ORGANIC! Reggie stays on the cutting edge of organic marketing opportunities and trends, and will introduce you to several you might just want to pursue. He is also an expert on organic production (soil fertility, plant health, weed & insect control, tillage, etc.) and a representative for both Dramm Fish and AgriEnergy Resources. Reggie will tell you how to “cash in” on both transitional and organic crops.
- 5:00 p.m. Thanks for Coming!
From conventional grains to transitional grains and everything in between, there’s something for everyone at this seminar! We truly hope you’ll be able to join us as we dive into “solving the farm profit puzzle.” Please reserve your spot by today by calling us at 815.872.1190 or emailing us at
Wise Guys Grill is located at 2205 N. Main St., Princeton, IL 61356. Rooms are available at the AmericInn (2120 Claude Bailey Pkwy, Princeton) located next door to Wise Guys Grill. Mention you’re attending our seminar and get a discount. Their phone number is 815-872-5000.