“The years 2019-2025 and years 2030-2036 could be very cold with much shorter growing seasons unfolding in the Northern Hemisphere, where about 90% of both the world’s population lives and coarse grains are grown.”
Feb. 19, 2019 By Jerry Carlson — Today, corn and soybean market analyst Bill Fordham e-mailed the conclusion above to his consulting clients. It’s based on Bill’s latest analysis of sunspot cycles.
Bill gave us permission to publish four of his long-term sunspot charts below. Sunspot cycles, which repeat about every 10 to 11 years, show their strongest relationship with Northern Hemisphere crop yields every other cycle. Analysts focus on the “double sunspot cycle” occurring about every 20 to 22 years. The second cycle is often called the “minor maximum.”
For years, Bill has studied the linkage between Northern Hemisphere growing conditions and long-term sunspot cycles. He compiled other researchers’ analysis on this subject too. One forerunner: In 1962, Iowa State University agronomist Dr. Louis M. Thompson began studying correlations between Midwest corn yields and sunspot cycles in 1962. Thompson first published his analysis in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, March-April 1973:
“If one is interested in betting on the odds of severe drought occurring in the Corn and Wheat Belts in the mid-seventies, he has, to support his confidence, the occurrence of 8 drought periods in succession, all following the peak of the minor maximum and extending through the following quiet years toward the peak of the major cycle.”
In 1976, USDA analyst Virden L. Harrison published a research paper, Do Sunspot Cycles Affect Crop Yields? His conclusion: Definitely! The PDF linked here is relevant to the upcoming 2019 growing season.
Here are four of Bill Fordham’s current sunspot charts. His correlation studies show that what has happened in previous cycles, is highly likely to happen again. I suggest you read the commentary beneath each chart.
If you look up a longer-term chart of sunspots over the past few decades, you’ll note something else: This current series of double sunspot cycles reveals a pattern of lower peaks. A series of declining sunspot peaks is consistent with long-term sunspot minimums and cold eras such as the 1645-1715 Maunder Minimum and the 1790-1830 Dalton Minimum.
As I mentioned in a Jan. 30, 2019 report on this site, intensive publicly financed studies linking sunspot cycles and our earthly climate are scarce. Reason: Our political “climate” where trillions of dollars, with a high percentage of tax dollar, are expended with a pretext of man-made carbon dioxide causing global warming. Or climate change. Whatever.
To read an independent, scientific rationale debunking carbon dioxide as a “greenhouse gas,” see this link.
Studying long-term solar cycles is only one of many intensive databases which Bill Fordham maintains as the foundation for his analysis of corn and soybean markets. With a farming background of his own, he also understands the importance of weather for crop production. You can learn more, directly from him, at:
William C. Fordham, 24704 2200 E ST, Ohio, IL 61349
e-mail: wcfmjf@risebroadband.net
Cell: 815-303-5801
“Stewardship in Marketing: Fighting Fear and Greed by using knowledge of the past, an awareness of the present, and planning for the future.”