Here’s the promised followup to our May 20 report from Jeff Adams near Chebanse, Illinois. In that preview, Jeff Adams alerted us that emerging corn looked greener “to the row” where he applied in-furrow microbes in Environoc 401 and biostimulants in Vitazyme — plus WakeUP Spring to mobilize these yield boosters into new roots.
June 15, 2019 — The in-furrow treated corn at V4 to V-5 is “two or three inches taller” than untreated corn at left beside it, estimates Jeff. Treated corn also has wider leaves which are beginning to cover the 30-inch row middles. Soon as Jeff has a little time, he plans to send us some comparisons of roots, treated and untreated. We’ve seen this same effect many times, and the roots are typically longer and have more prolific branching.
Biodyne’s Environoc 401 has a wide array of microbial species which colonize emerging roots and then proliferate, multiplying each root’s ability to dissolve mineral nutrients in the soil. Dr. Robert Kremer, semi-retired USDA/ARS microbiologist, tells us that microbes such as beneficial bacteria and mycorrhiza extract 10 times more NPK and other plant nutrients than root enzymes alone.
Vitazyme from Vital Earth Resources is one of the most-tested and proven biostimulant we’ve seen. They call it the “world’s most advanced” growth promoter. In-furrow is the ideal application point, as it’s immediately absorbed by roots as they emerge. (We market both of these products for use with WakeUP Spring for in-furrow or surface application.)
3-18-18 for an initial boost of P&K.
WakeUP Spring, which we manufacture at Cedar Falls, IA, upgrades the transfer of soil nutrients and biostimulants released by 401 and Vitazyme. Some growers on very tight budgets this year have left NPK out of their in-furrow mix, and applied these three products alone. This season, Jeff side-dressed liquid fertilizer between the rows after emergence.