If you prefer to read the original report in German, here’s the link.
On March 4, 2016, the results of “Urinals 2015« were presented to the media in a well-attended press conference at the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Berlin. As part of the “urinals” have a total of 2011 citizens from Germany in the period from October 2015 can examine their urine for cost recovery fee of EUR 53.55 per test by an independent and accredited laboratory “Biocheck” in Leipzig until January 2016th This privately funded field study is the world’s largest collection of data on the population Glyphosatbelastung. 2009 samples were evaluable. The startling finding: In 2001 samples glyphosate was detectable, which are 99.6 percent. Only 8 samples, so 0.4 percentage, were below the detection limit of the applied test method. Read the statistical analysis: text part and data part.
With 79 percent of the subjects, the load was five to zweiundvierzigfach higher than the maximum residue levels for pesticides in drinking water – this is 0.1 nanograms per milliliter. There is therefore a significant burden coverage before. The Alarming: The urine samples of children and adolescents were the highest readings.
Slightly more than half of the participants feeds on food from organic farming. For them the burden was indeed lower overall, but also they have an average of nine times the drinking water limit value in the urine – how can that be? Apparently, it is not possible to live in Germany, without constantly absorb pesticides.
As glyphosate ever gets into the human body and what causes a permanent strain there is not explored yet. Suppose it mainly through diet or through the breath to help us? There are as no relevant studies on humans. What does it mean that the drug kills life-promoting gut bacteria and the body constantly eludes trace elements?
The authorization of the agent is based almost entirely on industry-funded animal studies that certify the means safety for humans. This keeps Peter Clausing, toxicologist and director of Pesticide Action Network, for scientifically untenable, especially since at least five relevant studies in mice support the warning WHO, glyphosate is probably carcinogenic.
In March, the funds in the EU to be allowed for another 15 years at considerably loosened application provisions. It is an essential part of genetic engineering modular system of the seed producer Monsanto, which produces corresponding glyphosate resistant plants.
The authorities continue to refuse to finance large-scale studies to Glyphosatbelastung the population in Europe. Therefore, we remain demanded citizens. The campaign “Acker poisons? No thanks! “Want more studies in order. They should shed light on the hitherto comprehensible ways glyphosate penetrates into our bodies and what health consequences this has. For this we need your support: Give to bring a follow-up study on the way – donate! 130,000 euros are Urinals 2015 «been applied by all parties through donations and contributions to laboratory costs included under”. A just such amount is required for the next step. We appreciate every donation, which enables further educate and generate political pressure.
Glyphosate is a so-called broad-spectrum herbicide against mono- and dicotyledonous plants – a poison that always leads to death of all plants that come in contact with him. Only genetically modified plants and naturally become resistant plants resist the chemical. Glyphosate is the agricultural poison most widely sold. The largest producer is Monsanto with its “Roundup” products.
WHO: glyphosate is carcinogenic
Whether the term “poison” applies to people also with respect to the taking of the active ingredient glyphosate, is currently in dispute. That glyphosate can affect man at least harmful, must not be closed solely from the adoption of limit values by the regulatory authorities. The cancer research center of the World Health Organization recently classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans”. Studies from Sweden, the US and Canada to sick farmers who had worked with glyphosate, thus strengthening the suspicion that glyphosate may be responsible for cancers of the lymphatic system. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has doubts about this review is based here largely on studies of the industry. BfR is working with the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), which is responsible at the European approval procedures for glyphosate.
Glyphosate has no place in our eating anything!
Initial investigations of urine samples indicate that not only have in the Federal Republic of Germany farmers glyphosate in their bodies, but also people who do not work in agriculture. The residues of glyphosate and its by-products appear to have been therefore reasonably likely by ingestion. We want to create with your help a large enough data base to first quantify the health risk safely and be able to justify the call for a ban of glyphosate scientifically sound. BfR and the competent federal minister see no grounds for a ban of glyphosate due to the recent data available. Therefore, we have called to let urine examination on Glyphpsat residues.
The »Urinals 2015«
From mid-September invited the campaign “Acker poisons? No thanks! “Using a number of individual local partner for a large urinals! Nationwide, there were smaller and larger events, where interested people could inform other students about glyphosate and agricultural poisons. This urine sample sets were distributed, which were easily filled at home and then sent to the co-operating with us Laboratory. So the personal Glyphosatwerte could be learned from their own urine. In addition, participants * Indoor enabled so that data collection – a prerequisite for a major scientific study in the debate on the approval of glyphosate.