Renewable Farming

NASA forecasts sunspot minimum in 1920-25 “lowest in 200 years”

During 1650 to 1700, global food production was devastated during the “Maunder Minimum” of historically low sunspot activity. Today the devotees of man-made climate change still cling to their computer models which presume rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are forcing up world temperatures to the point of disaster. 

July 22, 2019 — For more than two decades, billions of tax dollars have poured into computer models and consensus-building conferences which maintain the CO2 theory. However, a rising array of current and reliable data points to solar activity as a powerful influence on global temperatures. Such research seldom makes the mainstream news. After all, if solar variations influence our weather, who can regulate and carbon-trade that?

Quietly, several independent scientists and specialized websites are accumulating databases which reveal that solar cycles powerfully influence world climate. They’re not “popular” with climatologists who are comfortable with the well-financed “consensus.” One such website is This link takes you to a wide array of reports revealing the sun’s power.

We urge you to surf studies on They offer data that’s important to fully understand climate-change challenges in agriculture. The world’s farmers got a preview of those extreme influences this spring, with more to come this summer.

One graph posted on Electroverse presents sunspot activity back to year 1610, when Galileo Galilei and English mathematician Thomas Harriot assembled their own telescopes began recording the numerical cycles of massive magnetic storms on the sun’s surface. In the following years, many sunspot watchers documented a fairly regular cycle of sunspot numbers. The important feature of that chart: It raises the issue: Will the upcoming sunspot low in Cycle 25 persist several years and trigger weather disruptions like the “Dalton Minimum?”  Electroverse analysts see disruptions — call it global cooling — as a rising possibility. Here’s their sunspot chart, drawn from NASA data:


Even if sunspot energy diminishes below average rather than near zero, disruptive weather like that of the “Dalton minimum” could impose havoc on our fragile modern production systems for major crops like corn and soybeans.

For many years we’ve encouraged growers to rebuild soil life with cover crops, rotations and less dependence on NPK plus chemicals. That’s sound management for the future whether we have either climate extreme.

Here’s another website that’s constantly challenging the man-made warming “consensus:”  Mark Morano’s Climate Depot.”