Renewable Farming

Double-crop beans… in CANADA…. after winter canola… could go 35 bu.

Here’s another live example of how the growth promotant, Lignition, intensifies chlorophyl efficiency in converting carbon dioxide into plant sugars.  Lignition developer Dave Sutherland sent this photo of maturing soybeans in southern Ontario. The beans had been drilled July 12 following harvest of winter canola.

The seed is a DeKalb variety which needs 2,500 heat units for maturity.  Seed was inoculated, and three weeks after emergence, the grower sprayed 50 dry grams of soluble Lignition per acre.

Pods are already well-filled as of Sept. 28, and Dave estimates that the beans could yield 35 bu. per acre. That’s well above break-even for a second crop. 

There are also other “returns” from planting soybeans after canola: Added nitrogen fixation and a wider spectrum of beneficial soil organisms.

This will be our third season of field-testing Lignition in cooperation with Sutherland. He is building a broad database of field results and establishing a solid foundation of research.

Our field trials indicate that WakeUP helps mobilize the Lignition, amplifying its effectiveness.