We’re constantly encouraging farmers to explore the latest and best developments in ecologically sound, profitable farming. One of the widest arrays of ideas and talent assembles annually—from all around the world—at the ACRES USA Conference & Trade Show.
Nov. 7, 2017 — The 2017 ACRES Conference, “From the Soil UP” is Dec. 5-8 in Columbus, Ohio. We attended the 2016 conference in Omaha and harvested many ideas, especially in the rapidly developing arena of soil health.
We know personally the 2017 keynote speaker, Dr. Vandana Shiva. Here’s the brief summary of Dr. Shiva’s background, as capsuled by ACRES:
World-renowned environmental activist, Dr. Vandana Shiva, is trained as a physicist and received her Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. She later shifted to interdisciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy, which she carried out at the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, India.
Dr. Shiva has contributed in fundamental ways to changing the practice and paradigms of agriculture and food. Her books, The Violence of Green Revolution and Monocultures of the Mind have become basic challenges to the dominant paradigm of non-sustainable, reductionist Green Revolution Agriculture. Through her books Biopiracy, Stolen Harvest, Water Wars, Dr. Shiva has made visible the social, economic and ecological costs of corporate-led globalization. Dr. Shiva chairs the Commission on the Future of Food set up by the Region of Tuscany in Italy. She is a board member of the International Forum on Globalisation and a member of the Steering Committee of the Indian People’s Campaign against WTO. She also serves on the Government of India Committees on Organic Farming.
In this insightful and inspiring keynote address, Dr. Shiva examines the future of food and farming within the context of today’s agricultural ecosystem.
We attended Dr. Shiva’s presentation at Iowa State University in March 2015 attracted an overflow crowd of Iowa State students and others at the Great Hall of the Union building. We encouraged our readers to attend that inspiring report.
An ACRES conference for us is virtually a “reunion” of many friends. The staff of AgriEnergy Resources will have a prominent display. Dr. Don Huber will speak on “Uncovering the Truth about GMOs.” Dr. Arden Andersen’s presentation, “Health on the Farm,” directly addresses the many health issues we deal with on this website. Longtime friends of ours, and friends of the soil, Gary Zimmer and Jim Martindale are featured speakers.
The key organizer of ACRES, Fred Walters, has also brought in a wide array of new presentation talent. Please browse the conference agenda at this link.