Renewable Farming

The inconvenient truth is, debunking the global warming deity can get you fired

A few years ago, I wrote a freelance article for a Midwest client that exposed the “Global Warming” swindle. Two or three meteorologists attacked my client, who quickly backpedaled and destroyed all available copies of my report. Its accuracy was never disproven — just its audacity that anyone should deny that man-made global warming is “overwhelmingly accepted by the scientific community.”

Shortly after that, I terminated my contract with the firm. Why work for wussies who can’t cope with reality?

At least I had a choice. The most popular TV weather personality in France, Philippe Verdier, announced last Saturday night that he had been fired by France Télévisions for his audacity. He published a book, “Climate Investigation,” which documented that United Nations climate change advocates are misleading the world about the threats of climate change.

Unfortunately for Verdier, his book hit sensitive nerves just a month before the COP21 UN Climate Change Summit in Paris Nov. 30 through Dec. 11.

Among the subjects will be “Climate Justice,” portending a UN court intended to prosecute taxpayers in nations which emit excess carbon dioxide, with billions in Climate Compensation channeled through various UN collectors to deserving, less wealthy nations’ governments. President Obama is making it more clear that America’s legal commitment negotiated at the COP21 Summit will require only an administrative decision from President Obama — not subject to Senate approval.  Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) is making it clear that any deal brokered in Paris which commits the U.S. to funding must be approved by the full Senate — like any other treaty. Inhofe said, in an article by website: “President Obama and his administrative officials are going out of their way to circumvent the role of the U.S. Senate in this negotiating process and I am disappointed that the minority would enable such behavior.”

This administration’s intense focus on making a global climate pact helps explain why it’s common to see persecution of scientists and others who blow the whistle on distortions, data tweaking and outright lies regarding climate change.

Marc Morano, founder of the Climate Depot website, details the dismissal of weathercaster Verdier in a report at this link. The linked article adds several more instances of firings and crushing contrary opinion. Morano was once a legislative aide to Senator Inhofe, who has been a longstanding opponent of large federal funding to “defend against climate change.” Morano’s evidence presents a sobering record on suppression of facts in favor of an agenda of plunder based on the pretext of saving the planet.

Several years ago we discovered a very well-documented USDA report by a scientist who was among the first to note an uptrend in atmospheric carbon dioxide. His point was that this is a positive confluence of benefit to world agriculture and forestry — as plants absorb carbon dioxide as their primary source of carbon. Plant mass in a typical field is about 95% carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen and oxygen come from water; the carbon from carbon dioxide.  We’ve searched for that report several times since — but can’t find a trace of it with any search engine.

One afternoon in a soybean field near Princeton, IL, scientist Jerry Hatfield, who heads the USDA’s national soil laboratory at Iowa State University, reminded me that up to 40% of the carbon dioxide needed for a soybean crop comes from carbon dioxide emitted from living organisms in the soil. The other 60% depends on the very scant percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — slightly less than 400 parts per million. Yet today, official climate change doctrine and EPA regulations declare carbon dioxide as a pollutant, not the basic building block of our food supply. 

However, so many billions of dollars are aboard the Climate Change gravy train that it’s not going to derail soon, despite exposure to clear facts to the contrary. 

For self-preservation down on the farm the next couple of decades, we’d advise a contrary view: Prepare for cooler and less stable weather trends, driven by the solar cycle. That calls for cover crops, building biodiversity in the soil, and reducing dependence on costly, toxic chemistry.

By Jerry Carlson   Published Nov. 2, 2015