Renewable Farming

More reasons to watch the climate-change contrarians as a guide to your farming future



Whenever I’ve seen the James Delingpole byline on a climate-change article, I read it immediately. I know he will be accurate, revealing, and spiced with keen-edged British humor. 

That was verified again Nov. 17 when James once again documented why “Climategate” persists as the “biggest scandal in the history of climate science.”  I encourage you — for the sake of your future farming strategy — to read James’ father salty sitire on the Brietbart site at this link. 

Analysts like James Delingpole and Mark Morano of Climate Depot reinforce an often-reinforced observation of the past 50 years: The most truth comes from the fewest people. Namely, financially independent researchers whose passion is accuracy rather than wallowing in the wake of popular delusions.