Renewable Farming

Argentine health professionals’ union: Ban glyphosate

A recent news release which adds to the worldwide surge of demands by health-care professionals and others challenging the presumed safety of glyphosate and its many related herbicide formulations. The release comes from Argentina:

“The 30,000 health professionals in Argentina in the FESPROSA [a union of health care professionals] ask that glyphosate be now prohibited in our country, and that a debate on the necessary restructuring of agribusiness is opened, focusing on the application of technologies that do not endanger human life.”

You can read the entire report on this GMWATCH summary. 

There are several related updates at the home page of GMWATCH.

Argentina’s glyphosate adoption curve happened rapidly, so demographic health changes in the affected regions showed up more dramatically than across the U.S., where the technology expanded over almost 20 years.  Here’s a link to another sample of Argentina’s concern, as  reported by the Institute of Science in Society.