Renewable Farming

Update on what to do about Goss’s wilt in corn; interview with Bob Streit

One of the crop consultants who’s closely monitoring corn diseases in Iowa, Bob Streit, now reports that he’s seeing early symptoms of Goss’s wilt in most fields he scouts. The symptoms he describes are variations from the “classic” Goss’s wilt lesions; they are caramel colored lesions on leaves which move from the ground up.

July 21, 2017 — Streit has posted several videos explaining Bio Empruve, one “helper” against Goss’s wilt, at this link to his website.


In 2015, we tested an earlier version of Bio Empruv on corn, spraying it post-tassel on research plots as part of a field test for Bob Streit. There was very light pressure from Goss’s wilt, and the application was probably too late to make much of a difference. The nearby photo shows the corn plot we used. This photo was taken about a week before spraying.  The bottom photo shows a cross-section of a treated stalk after harvest. Note that there are some lesions on the stalk, but the xylem tubes are still clear. In advanced Goss’s wilt cases, the pith darkens as it plugs up.

Yields from the six random-rep plots showed an average gain of just over 11 bushels where we sprayed a combination of Bio Empruv and our WakeUP Summer.  The WakeUP Summer apparently enhances coverage, absorption and systemic transfer of the Bio Empruv.

 Treated stalk still has an openvascular system after harvest

Above is a link to a new radio interview of ag consultant Bob Streit by ag radio broadcaster Doug Cooper, WHO Radio in Des Moines, Iowa. When you click on it, your screen will go dark and the audio interview in an MP3 file, which should start automatically. The interview is about five minutes long.