On Jan. 22, Pursanova Ltd. founder and owner Vatché Keuftedjian told about 120 farmers how his water energizing systems improve family health and multiply effectiveness of crop protection products. Here’s a summary of how Pursanova technology restores water’s natural, healthy, energy-giving qualities.
January 29, 2020 By Jerry Carlson — Major industries and more than 4,800 farms around the world (including our Renewable Farming research farm) have installed components of Pursanova’s growing family of water treatment systems. Imitators come and go, but Pursanova’s technology is being installed in large industrial processing plants, such as huge refinery heat exchangers and water treatment systems on Navy ships.
Vatché said his objective for 40 years has been to restore our often-contaminated water to its original, naturally energized and harmonic state. Vatché explained the origins of his discovery to farm families at the Jan. 22 conference organized by Central Iowa Agronomics.
Vatché studied in Japan for his doctorate degree in physics. When he had a family and lived in California, his son became seriously ill. The boy’s symptoms implicated water quality as a contributing factor. Vatché says, “I invested $4 million researching every water filtration and purification treatment on the planet to help heal my son. But all of this equipment was based on 1911 technology.”

With his Japanese academic connections in advanced physics, Vatché established a laboratory in Japan for advanced research in water physics. His scientists found that the molecular structure of water includes four more hydrogen atoms, not just the two accepted as H20. Most physicists laughed it off for several years. But just three years ago, another scientist verified water’s four “extra” hydrogen atoms. “Finally, the physics skeptics admitted I knew something,” quips Vatché.
Two hydrogen atoms are closely bound with the oxygen atom, but four other hydrogen atoms are loosely linked in periphery orbits. Vatché found that when he added specific harmonic energy to a water molecule, the two primary-bonded hydrogen atoms would greatly amplify their motion and energy “by a thousand times.”
When that occurred, a primary hydrogen atom would exchange orbits with one or more of the secondary hydrogen atoms, releasing energy.
While in Japan during his study and research, Vatché often explored the countryside and noticed that fish in one clear mountain stream congregated in just one short section of the stream. When he studied the water a mile upstream or downstream of that fish-favored stretch of flowing water, he found very few fish.
Curious about this, he netted 40 fish and tagged half of them with a yellow tag; the other half with a blue tag. He released the 20 blue-tagged fish about 5 miles upstream; the 20 yellow-tagged fish 5 miles downstream. “Within a week, I counted all those released fish back in their original stretch of stream,” Vatché told farmers at the conference.
He dug into the rocky stream bed and found unique mineral structures. This stream, and a nearby lake with identical minerals, became the “ore” Pursanova uses to build marble-like minerals packed into water treatment tubes. The energy-stimulating ore is powdered and compressed around a silicon dioxide core. Water flows through a tube filled with the small marble like ore pellets in a rhythmic flow. Water’s flow is also enhanced by a systematic pattern stamped on the inner wall of the special alloy tube. Result: “Water regains its healthy, natural energy level,” says Vatché.

His lab’s further studies identified the natural harmonic frequency of water molecules in their natural state. All elements have a specific natural frequency (that’s how quartz watches keep perfect time). With that quantum physics understanding, Vatché retained German scientists to manufacture what he calls the Pursanova Disk. Made in several sizes to fit around the system’s pipe, the disk “tunes” water flowing through the pipe. The water’s oscillation becomes rapid and uniform, like mountain stream water or glacial melt water.
Vatché’s presentation puts it this way: “After water comes out of our system, the harmonic frequency of the water is identical to nature. When you drink or spray our water, nature’s processes know that frequency, that energy, that oscillation.”
When “hard” water is treated with the mineral ores and Pursanova disk, it becomes a stronger solvent, keeping calcium carbonate and other minerals in solution, instead of depositing “lime” in pipes. This capability saves industrial plants millions of dollars of expense in cleaning huge heat-exchanger systems. In our own home equipped with a PN25 Pursanova tube, we no longer need a water softener. That avoids sodium added to our water — a health benefit — along with eliminating costs for softener salt.
However, the energized water slowly dissipates its induced energy after storage in household or industrial plumbing systems. That’s why Pursanova water should be used for drinking or spraying as soon as practical. Example: Pursanova’s latest product, a kitchen undercounter reverse osmosis and energizing combination, recirculates water through an ore-filled tube just ahead of the countertop fountain which fills your water glass.
When we’ve sprayed crops with nutrients in freshly treated Pursanova water, the droplets spread and flatten as if the surface tension is somewhat lower. We’ve seen this in the field, even though our laboratory testing of the dynes level of Pursanova water remains near 71, similar to untreated well water. A lab test we hired showed treated water with a dynes reading of 71.6, identical with our untreated well water. This result may occur because the lab testing was done in New Hampshire on a sample several days after treatment through our Pursanova PN25 tube.
Through several years of using water filters and the ore-filled tube to treat our water for household use and foliar sprays, we’ve learned in controlled trials that Pursanova water is a highly effective companion for the surfactant/carrier product we manufacture, WakeUP.
WakeUP is made from entirely natural, botanical sources. WakeUP concentrate is a colloidal suspension, not a dissolved product like most surfactant. The tiny colloids, averaging less than one angstrom in size, are negatively charged. In water, these colloids attract the slightly positive hydrogen atoms of water, building trillions of “colloidal micelles” or clusters of water. Each micelle has a negatively charged shell around it, repelling adjoining micelles. Thus, water’s surface tension drops from a “sticky” 71 dynes down to about 28 dynes. That’s ideal for creating a glossy coat on crop leaves, and quickly carrying nutrients or plant protection products into crop metabolism.

We were fascinated when Vatché told his farmer audience about the Pursanova system’s impact on the “zeta potential” of water molecules. We’ve explored that physics phenomenon too: It’s the bonding strength between a charged colloid and surrounding water or other liquid. As non-experts in quantum physics, our theory is that the surfactant, cleansing and penetrant benefits of WakeUP are reinforced by the energizing treatment of the Pursanova tube and disk. (See image of a screen capture from Vatché’s presentation below.)
Pursanova has installed systems worldwide the past 23 years. Vatche expects that in the next few years, most of the greenhouse growers in the Netherlands will equip their growing systems with the full array of Pursanova technology. Late last year, Pursanova won the International Trade Council’s top “Going Global Award” for sound environmental technology. This is comparable to a Nobel among corporate technology leaders.
Our friend and a “dean” of professional crop consultants in the Midwest, Dr. Michael McNeill of Algona, IA, demonstrated the growth-stimulating benefits of Pursanova components. Mike installed a kit of Pursanova systems, including (1) Pursanova special water filters, (2) PN-25 type ore-filled tube and (3) Pursanova disk. Growing Watercress and Swiss chard under uniform interior lights, McNeill measured the cumulative impact on vegetative growth under a control of untreated water, plus water treated under seven variations of Pursanova components. Winner: The plants watered treated with filters, PN 25 tube plus the disk achieved almost 250% more weight during the trial than plants given untreated well water.
Reverse osmosis water wasn’t used for the trial, but Dr. McNeill’s associate worker, Janet, tells us the family has a Pursanova under-counter RO system for drinking and cooking water. “I love it,” she says. “We call it Vatché water. Our cats won’t drink anything else, like untreated well water. We have one clever cat that learned to press down the countertop RO fountain lever — so it can drink water fresh from the reverse osmosis unit.”