Stronger new-crop grain prices make another 4 to 5 bu. per acre worth including $2 to $3.50 worth of WakeUP per acre. A decade of farmer experience with WakeUP shows this: If your in-furrow or foliar nutrients regularly enhance yield 5 bu. per acre, including WakeUP adds another 4 bu. yield because of increased nutrient absorption and crop metabolism.
If your applied solution has a live biological, plus nutrients, plus a biostimulant, WakeUP enhances performance of all those ingredients at once.
April 21, 2021 We’ve long shown — with crop tissue tests and yield research — that WakeUP is far more than a “surfactant.” Its concentrated, nano-sized colloids convert water into negatively charged clusters called micelles, which repel each other to drop surface tension. Water normally has a surface tension of 72 dynes. With WakeUP it becomes “wetter,” dropping below 30 dynes. Your foliars create a glossy coat on leaves. Wakeup helps nutrients and other spray products penetrate leaves rain-fast within minutes.
Here’s how farmers have learned to profit from WakeUP since we began offering this technology in 2009:
1. Foliar-spray WakeUP Summer with fertility products at about 5 oz. per acre. That’s about 1 ounce of WakeUP in 2 gal. of solution if you’re spraying 10 gal. per acre. If you spray 20 gallons of total solution per acre, make the dilution 1 ounce of WakeUP concentrate in 4 gallons of solution, which provides about 5 ounces per acre. Since WakeUP concentrate packs colloids measuring one nanometer or less, that’s abundant coverage per acre.
Common foliar sprays include NPK blends and several common micronutrients such as zinc, manganese, molybdenum and boron. Trace elements are often deficient in fields where glyphosate has chelated those minerals. We’ve seen good results where WakeUP helped mobilize a wide array of micronutrients, such as those in Spraytec’s Impulse.
You can also use WakeUP to mobilize biostimulant products such as Vitazyme. Live biologicals in foliars remain viable in a 1:256 dilution of WakeUP in water, so those can be blended into foliars as well. We suggest that you browse Vitazyme’s 2020 research results at this link. We studied six corn yield test results from that report; the average yield gain was 12 bushels. WakeUP typically enhances Vitazyme’s performance.

Years ago, we encouraged spraying WakeUP alone or tank-mixed with postmerge herbicide on corn or beans at the V2 stage. WakeUP’s ability to accelerate sugar transfer from leaves to growing points showed dramatic increases in root depth and mycorrhizal activity. That V2 window is hard to schedule, but worth the trip if you have time — especially if you’re going into a season that’s low on soil moisture.
2. Three ounces of WakeUP Spring per acre in-furrow costs only $2.11 per acre, and accelerates absorption of soil moisture into roots. WakeUP also circulates through the crop’s xylem and phloem system, speeding sugar exudates to roots. That helps root mycorrhizal growth multiply.
A profuse, deep and mycorrhiza-rich root system, soon after planting, pays off at harvest. Massive roots help carry your crop through dry spells, and abundant soil biolife keep feeding the crop late into the season. No premature die-off.
3. Spraying alfalfa regrowth with WakeUP after each cutting mobilizes photosynthetic sugars into the abundant roots of alfalfa. This builds protein content and improves relative feed value that shows up in the milk check.

4. Soybean yields jumped 6.6 bu. sprayed at V5 with WakeUP and our own test blend of trace minerals, sugar, humates, seaweed “tea” — all mobilized with WakeUP. Without WakeUP in this solution, the replicated yield gain average was 2.2 bushels per acre. Usually, a professional blend of trace minerals such as those via Spraytec or AgriEnergy Solutions will nudge bean yields 2 to 5 bu. per acre. That’s most probable in fields treated with glyphosate, which ties up micronutrients.
5. Apply with irrigation sprinklers. We’ve worked several years with a fruit grower who sprays WakeUP through his irrigation system. That dilutes his nutrient and WakeUP solution to roughly 1 ounce of WakeUP in 300 gallons of water — with consistently good yield and quality results.
6. Kansas customers have seen good response foliar-spraying WakeUP on wheat and milo, with nutrients as needed. With the astonishing rally in milo prices, adding about $3.50 per acre to include WakeUP in your foliar nutrients offers a shot at $5 return per $1 worth of WakeUP.
7. The new endophyte products we’re offering this season — BioEnsure and BioTango — are naturals with WakeUP, either in-furrow or foliar. The developer, Adaptive Symbiotic Technologies, lab-tested their live bacteria and fungi with WakeUP Spring, and found no significant reduction in viability of microbes.
8. WakeUP Summer also mobilizes crop protection products. That was one of the original applications for WakeUP back in 2009. However, our philosophy is to encourage avoiding chemicals like glyphosate… so we don’t push the use of WakeUP to make weedkillers or fungicides more effective.
9. WakeUP is a highly effective cleaning product for field sprayers. Each 5-gal. carton we ship carries instructions for cleaning your sprayer system between different products, such as going from premerge herbicides to foliar nutrients, and for a thorough cleanup at the end of the season.
10. Use confidently. WakeUP is formulated entirely from plant-based ingredients including sugars and tropical oils. Most ag surfactants — there are hundreds — are manufactured with petrochemicals, phosphates and toxic ingredients requiring a prominent warning label. But we’ve used WakeUP around the farm to wash hands, wash vegetables and do other cleanup work which takes advantage of its colloidal particles which build negatively charged micelle structures in water. Each micelle’s negatively charged surface also gently chelates positively charged mineral nutrients, carrying them into crop metabolism.